Wednesday, July 16, 2008
The LP project is close to done. Should finish up tomorrow. Then our volunteer can take a much needed break! I really don’t know how we could have even attempted this project without the use of the Paper Facility. The paper drying rack is perfect. They can do a box at a time – around 60 LPs and covers. The “clip” is really a marble. It works great, adjusting to thickness. Our next test will be the 78s.
We continue to get the department in the basement back together. Book repair got to go “home” today. There’s no shelving but the tables, equipment, supply cabinets and supplies are back in place. I saw lots of happy faces around the work tables. I’ll miss them as they were temporarily outside my office for a week.
We’ve misplaced our Sharp 360 copier. It’s rather big (2’ x 3’ x 3.5’). I’m not sure how we could lose something that size but it’s nowhere to be found. My staff really does need a copier. Not sure how we’ll solve this particular problem. I put out an APB. Hopefully, someone will find it.
I got quite depressed today about my allergies. My sinuses are causing me “discomfort.” Then I got to thinking that given my high sensitivity to mold, I’m lucky I’m not in the hospital given all the exposure to mold I’ve had. I missed two weeks of shots which meant I had to back down on my shots which means I’m not at my usual therapeutic level and I’m sorta’ holding my own. So count my blessings!
The UI Collections Consortium met for its regular monthly brown bag lunch. Topic, of course, was flood impact to collections. So far we seem to have come out of this ok. The UI Museum of Art had evacuated its priority 1 and 2 collection items and shelved all other items higher up. Only 20 items actually had contact with water. David McCartney, UI archivist, had touched base with most collections around campus and so far so good. There are still a couple buildings with no access yet.
We got word that inspecting the Art and Music Libraries is on again for tomorrow evening – our ballroom lesson night. Aargh. More re-scheduling. A ballroom lesson is NOT to be missed!