…evelli penitus dicant nec posse nec opus esse et in omnibus fere rebus mediocritatem esse optimam existiment. “They say that complete eradication is neither possible nor necessary, and they consider that in nearly all situations that the ‘moderation’ is best” (Cicero, Tusc. 4.46). In my last few weeks here at the Digital Scholarship & PublishingContinue reading “Mediocritas in the Digital Humanities (and in My Life)”
Tag Archives: textual analysis
Making Data Fit: What Digital Repackaging Can Do for the Humanities
In recent years, digital humanists have been at the forefront of challenging data’s supposed neutrality. Lisa Gitelman and Virginia Jackson have suggested that the discourse of objectivity that often surrounds conversations about data-drive research is not only reductive, but also unlikely to encourage future scholarship and more rigorous debate. They suggest instead that data beContinue reading “Making Data Fit: What Digital Repackaging Can Do for the Humanities”