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Learn to use Google Docs with our free class

This class will introduce you to the suite of free office productivity tools (word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, and more) offered by Google. Topics will include a basic overview, security and implications of Google accounts, comparison to Microsoft Office, an overview of some cool competitors, and as much hands-on tinkering as time will allow! Our nextContinue reading “Learn to use Google Docs with our free class”

Learn to use EndNote with our free workshop Thursday, July 12

EndNote is a reference management tool that helps you to easily gather together your references in one place, organize them, and then insert them into papers and format them in a style of your choosing. This session will walk you through the basics of using EndNote to collect and format your citations.  The class willContinue reading “Learn to use EndNote with our free workshop Thursday, July 12”

Learn to use EndNote with our free workshop Tuesday, June 19

EndNote is a reference management tool that helps you to easily gather together your references in one place, organize them, and then insert them into papers and format them in a style of your choosing. This session will walk you through the basics of using EndNote to collect and format your citations.  The class willContinue reading “Learn to use EndNote with our free workshop Tuesday, June 19”

Get Started in Publishing with our free class Wednesday, May 2 at 1PM

This class will focus on different issues related to publishing including: impact factors, H indices, Eigenfactors, cited reference searching and locating journals based on subjects covered. Different options for managing citations will also be discussed. Our next class is Wednesday, may 2  1PM-2PM (Location: East Information Commons).  

Learn to use the CINAHL database effectively with our workshop

This hands-on session will demonstrate how to use CINAHL  effectively to find high quality nursing and allied health literature. An  explanation and demonstration of how to select the most appropriate search  terms will be provided. Search practice will be conducted at the end of the  session to reinforce what was demonstrated. Anyone who has anContinue reading “Learn to use the CINAHL database effectively with our workshop”

Learn to keep current on literature with our workshop on Thursday, November 17

Want to know as soon as an exciting new article is published?  Tired of skimming the websites or paper copies of multiple journals to see what is in the new issue? This hands-on session will show you how to create a single destination for information from your favorite journals, databases, websites and blogs using RSSContinue reading “Learn to keep current on literature with our workshop on Thursday, November 17”

Learn how to get your personal article library organized with our class Tuesday, November 15

Are PDFs scattered all over your computer with names that you cannot pronounce?  Want to create an organized, clearly named, and internet-accessible personal library? This hands-on session will show you how using free tools such as Mendeley and Dropbox as well as commercial tools such as EndNote and Refworks.  Attendees are encouraged to bring aContinue reading “Learn how to get your personal article library organized with our class Tuesday, November 15”

Learn how to find population statistics at our workshop November 8

Do you need to look up population statistics for your research project or paper? Not sure where to go to find this type of information? In this session, we’ll start with a demonstration of the Minnesota Population Center’s (MPC) integrated Health Interview Series website and use this as an example for using the other MPCContinue reading “Learn how to find population statistics at our workshop November 8”

Learn how to use Endnote with our free class on Wednesday, October 26

EndNote  is a reference management tool that helps you to easily gather together your  references in one place, organize them, and then insert them into papers and  format them in a style of your choosing.  This session will walk you  through the basics of using EndNote to collect and format your citations.   The class willContinue reading “Learn how to use Endnote with our free class on Wednesday, October 26”

Instructors learn more about grading with ICON at our workshop

Learn about the ways ICON can calculate grades and the different kinds of grade items  you can choose from. We’ll review your gradebook from start to finish: enter display settings for yourself and your students; create a custom grade scheme to convert percentages to letter grades; create new grade items (columns) and organize them intoContinue reading “Instructors learn more about grading with ICON at our workshop”