The National Library of Medicine is excited to announce a new Twitter feed from MedlinePlus en español – @MedlinePlusEsp. Follow @MedlinePlusEsp for trusted health information in Spanish. Stay up to date on the latest health news,health observances, seasonal health issues, and healthy living tips, all inSpanish. If you have any questions about @MedlinePlusEsp, contact theContinue reading “MedlinePlus Spanish Twitter Feed”
Author Archives: Chris Childs
PubMed Central’s New Look
PubMed Central (PMC), a free archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature at the U.S. National Institutes of Health’s National Library of Medicine (NIH/NLM) now has a new look. According to the July 15th issue of the NIH/NLM’s Technical Bulletin, the new “interface-lift” will “not only enhance its overall look and feel but also provide usersContinue reading “PubMed Central’s New Look”
Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM) has a new Interface
Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM), an online catalog of human genes and genetic disorders, has new a interface. Originally, the most common method used to access OMIM, was via the National Center for Biology Information (NCBI), but NBCI has been unable to receive updates on OMIM for the past several months. The following statement is from the NCBI point of entry websiteContinue reading “Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM) has a new Interface”
Iowa Go Local Retired
On Friday, July 2nd, the National Library of Medicine retired Iowa Go Local. Thank you to everyone who contributed their time to this project.
Don’t Struggle With Research During the Fall Semester
During the last couple days of the semester, you’re tired, you’re frustrated and you’re spending WAY too much time searching for information for your paper. The end of next semester can be better! You can learn how to Find the Good Stuff Fast! Learn how to DO MORE than just Google for information Find the type of resourcesContinue reading “Don’t Struggle With Research During the Fall Semester”
Hardin Library on KCJJ Today at Noon
The Hardin Library will be on KCJJ (1630 AM) at noon today during a live interview at Bennigans at the Corralville Mall for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. The focus of the interview will be on MedlinePlus and the information that can be found on that website regarding breast cancer. To find information on breast cancerContinue reading “Hardin Library on KCJJ Today at Noon”
Partnering for Patient Empowerment Through Community Awareness (PPECA) Article
Rhonda Reimer, the Special Project Coordinator of the Pella Regional Health Center in Pella, IA and Chris Childs, from the Hardin Library recently collaborated on an article for the Focus On Patient Safety, the official newsletter of the National Patient Safety Foundation. The article, entitled “Hospital Uses PPECA “Train the Trainer” Program to Help Community Groups EmpowerContinue reading “Partnering for Patient Empowerment Through Community Awareness (PPECA) Article”
Swine Flu Resource Guide
The emergence of several new human Swine Flu cases reported in the media has been generating a good deal of publicity. To find more information on this health issue, visit the Swine Flu resource guide at
Iowa Go Local Poster on Display at ALA Virtual Poster Session
Hardin Library’s Iowa Go Local project is currently featured on the American Library Association’s new Virtual Poster Session website. Iowa Go Local is a free online directory that connects Iowan’s to healthcare providers in any of the 99 counties across the state. You can view the poster at
NLM’s Health Services Research & Public Health Information Programs Website has been Updated
The National Library of Medicince’s Health Services Research & Public Health Information Programs website has recently been updated. Go to to find collaborative projects, databases, subject access projects, outreach and training, and publications pertaining to health services research and public health. Highlights include: · Health People 2010 Info Access Project (pre-formulated searches): · Continue reading “NLM’s Health Services Research & Public Health Information Programs Website has been Updated”