The semester ends soon. Come to the Hardin Library and learn something to help you save time.
November Workshops @Hardin Library
EndNote Desktop, Tuesday, November 17, 11am-12pm
Searching for Nutrition Subjects in PubMed and Embase, Wednesday, November 11, 2-3pm
PubMed, Wednesday, November 11, 10-11am
Scopus & Web of Science, Monday, November 9, 1-2pm
Systematic Reviews: Literature Searching, Tuesday, November 17, 10-11am
Systematic Reviews: Developing a Framework (Nuts & Bolts), Tuesday, November 10, 10-11am
Sign up for these free workshops online or by calling 319-335-9151.
No time for a workshop? Request a personal session.
How do I get there? Take Pentacrest Cambus to the VA Loop Stop. The library is just up the hill.