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Faster and more predictable Interlibrary Loan available now – UBorrow

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Together the Big10 University Libraries, University of Chicago Libraries and the Center for Research Libraries, The University of Iowa Libraries is proud to announce a new service called UBorrow that offers fast access to over 90 million books. Books requested via UBorrow typically are available within a week and are checked out for 12 weeks, with a four-week renewal option.

Iowa faculty, students and staff can search UBorrow directly. A UBorrow search option is also available in Smart Search and InfoLink library catalogs.  UBorrow checks the UI Libraries’ catalog for an available copy before checking other libraries’ catalogs in real time and placing a request directly with the other libraries.  If a book is not available through UBorrow, faculty, staff and students can still place a traditional interlibrary loan request and UI Libraries staff will try to obtain it from another library.

The UBorrow system currently only allows for book loans.  If you need materials in another format, please place a traditional interlibrary loan request for materials not held at our libraries.