NOTE: “History Through Deaf Eyes” will continue through Thursday, February 23rd .
Well over one hundred attendees showed up Friday afternoon, November 4 for the official opening of the exhibit, “History Through Deaf Eyes” now on display at the Hardin Library.
The touring exhibit, developed by Gallaudet University and sponsored by numerous funding agencies was greeted enthusiastically by attendees from all parts of the country.
Staff from The Iowa School for the Deaf in Council Bluffs supplemented the exhibit with artifacts including photographs and objects relating to the early years of the institution.
The opening ceremony was highlighted by addresses from Dr. Jane K. Fernandes, Provost of Gallaudet and Jack R. Gannon, retired Gallaudet faculty member, and the curator of the project.
The exhibit covers nearly the entire first floor of the library and traces the sometimes controversial history of deafness and deaf education in America through photographs, documents, and multimedia.
Professor Richard Hurtig of the UI Department of Speech Pathology and Audiology was instrumental in procuring the exhibit.
Read the original University of Iowa News Release | Listen to the interview with Dr. Richard Hurtig (posted January 2006) – Listen to MP3 (6.49 MB) or read the transcript
See Also: News@Hardin, January 2006