Heirs of Hippocrates Now Online
We are pleased to announce that the book catalog, “Heirs of Hippocrates” last published in 1990 (3rd edition), is now available as an online database and offered to the public on the internet at no charge.
“Heirs” is an annotated bibliography of the historic books in the John Martin Rare Book Room and has become a source of authority for antiquarian book dealers, librarians, bibliographers, historians, and collectors from around the world.
This new product is the result of the labor of many individuals, most notably, Linda Roth, Hardin Library’s Web Producer (please see the About Heirs Online for further acknowledgements).
The online version is much more than the full text of the book; although it can be browsed, the content has been entered in the form of a database to allow for precision searching and quick recall.
We invite you to take a look at this new and important scholarly contribution to the history of medicine and printing.