While The Pull of Horses on National and Local Histories and Identities, curated by Dr. Kim Marra and Mark Anderson, is no longer on display in the Main Library Gallery, a virtual celebration of the Spring 2020 exhibition is available online! Learn more about the exhibit here, and find a link to explore the online contentContinue reading “Virtual exhibition: ‘The Pull of Horses’”
Author Archives: Sara J. Pinkham
Digital Scholarship and ‘The Pull of Horses’ Exhibit
Article by Mark Anderson, Digital Scholarship & Collections Librarian, Digital Scholarship and Publishing Studio. In 2016, University of Iowa Professor Kim Marra answered a call that the Digital Scholarship & Publishing Studio made to University of Iowa faculty to “Get Digital with Your Scholarship”. Kim arrived at the Studio with a portfolio of horse-themedContinue reading “Digital Scholarship and ‘The Pull of Horses’ Exhibit”
Downtown Iowa City’s Horsey History
Along with our ancestors, horses helped build Iowa City, the state, and the nation. In the process, they profoundly shaped human identities. The current Main Library Gallery exhibition, The Pull of Horses on National and Local Histories and Identities, explores the physical and social impact of these huge, powerful animals by screening on aContinue reading “Downtown Iowa City’s Horsey History”
The Sharing of Ideas and Making of Artwork: ‘Rising Together | Protest in Print’
The Main Library Gallery’s current exhibition, Rising Together | Protest in Print, features a few historic examples of protest from Special Collections at the University of Iowa Libraries. Along with these pieces, such as Thomas Paine’s famous 1776 pamphlet entitled Common Sense (x-Collection 973.3 P14c), more contemporary expressions of protest are also present. One of these booksContinue reading “The Sharing of Ideas and Making of Artwork: ‘Rising Together | Protest in Print’”
Behind the Zines: ‘Rising Together | Protest in Print’
When Julia Leonard was approached by the College Book Arts Association (CBAA) about hosting their traveling exhibition, Rising Together: An Exhibition of Artists’ Books, Prints and Zines with a Social Conscience, she knew it would be a great fit for the Main Library Gallery and a meaningful way to connect items from the University ofContinue reading “Behind the Zines: ‘Rising Together | Protest in Print’”