About the Binding: Everyone who knew Bill Anthony would say he was a gentle Irishman with a love of his country. Since the BOOK OF KELLS is one of the beloved treasures of Ireland, Bill bound his own facsimile copy during my apprenticeship. That binding is one of my favorites, so I followed his exampleContinue reading “30th Anniversary Benefit Auction: William Minter”
Category Archives: 30th Anniversary
30th Anniversary Benefit Auction: Bill Voss
About the Binding: Red leather onlays with gold foil tooling on full green goatskin, with leather hinges and endbands tooled in red and gold. The design is modeled on a pattern used by Bill Anthony on Hollinshed’s Irish Cronicle. Estimated Value: $1,000 About the Artist: Bill Voss is a Conservation Techncian at the University ofContinue reading “30th Anniversary Benefit Auction: Bill Voss”
30th Anniversary Benefit Auction: Caitlin Moore
About the Binding: This binding is a paper case made from Zaansch bord, a heavy weight dutch windmill paper. The design was hand stenciled in watercolor using the pochoir technique. I chose the paper case because it is the book structure I most associate with my time in the UI conservation lab. The design IContinue reading “30th Anniversary Benefit Auction: Caitlin Moore”
30th Anniversary Benefit Auction: Shanna Leino
About the Tools: While working on books, I found myself needing simple but special tools to carry out the work on leather, wood, and bone. That set me on the road to making folders, awls, punches, and hooks. It is satisfying to me to see others making skillful use of the tools I have made.Continue reading “30th Anniversary Benefit Auction: Shanna Leino”
30th Anniversary Benefit Auction: Penny McKean
About the Binding: I approached the binding of this catalog of William Anthony’s work with great respect and admiration for William Anthony. It was an honor to study with Bill, not only because he was an excellent bookbinder and craftsman. He was generous and kind, warm and funny, a gentleman of the old school. IContinue reading “30th Anniversary Benefit Auction: Penny McKean”
Benefit Auction and Plainly Spoken Reception at University of Iowa Library
Two events will mark the closing of the UI Libraries Conservation Lab’s 30th anniversary celebration: a reception for the Midwest Guild of Bookworkers Exhibit Plainly Spoken, and an auction of fine bindings, to benefit the William Anthony Conservation Fund. The festivities will take place in Special Collections, 3rd floor of the Main Library, on NovemberContinue reading “Benefit Auction and Plainly Spoken Reception at University of Iowa Library”