While working on books, I found myself needing simple but special tools to carry out the work on leather, wood, and bone. That set me on the road to making folders, awls, punches, and hooks. It is satisfying to me to see others making skillful use of the tools I have made.
Tool making itself satisfies a need I have to keep my hands moving. I like the focus it provides.
Make beautiful work with good tools!
Hand-Built Tools by Shanna Leino
– Leather tool roll
– 2 leather polka dot paper weights
– Elk bone awl –for blind tooling leather
– Double ended steel awl – for marking, scribing, hole punching
– Elk bone folder – for general folding and burnishing
– Old stock Japanese snips – etched and dipped by Shanna
– Fine elk bone folder – for tighter, delicate work
– Steel micro-chisel – for punching and chiseling wood, board, and paper
– Elk bone and steel pin awl – for piercing paper
– Kelm stainless steel folder – for heavy duty scoring
Steel Tools: The steel tools are made from high carbon steel and have been heat treated for strength and durability. The steel tools are patterned by hammer blows or embellished with hand-cut steel stamps.
Carved Elk Bone Tools: The shape, size, and feel of the bone tools are in part determined by the bone it comes from. Each is unique. All of the folders I make are from elk bone, an exceptionally dense, white bone that carves wonderfully and polishes well. I receive clean, whole leg bones (an otherwise unused by-product of hunting) and spend a lot of time working it to shape with a band saw, sander and numerous hand tools. The shaped bone is then ornamented with hand carving, either a pattern made up with lines and dots, or carved flower. Hand sanding and buffing polish and complete the tools.
Estimated Value: $425
About the Artist:
Shanna grew up in Harrisville, New Hampshire. She returned after completing her BFA at the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design in Halifax, Nova Scotia, and spending a number of invaluable years of learning with the good book people in Iowa City, Iowa.
She continues to travel in search of conferences, seminars, and teaching opportunities to continue/enrich her own learning.
To bid on any of the bindings, please email us at lib-prescons@uiowa.edu. Bids will be accepted until the end of the silent auction, 7 pm CST on Thursday November 13th.