Staff Profile: Willow Fuchs, Business Reference and Instruction Librarian A little about yourself. I go into a lot of different classes to help students understand what information and resources are available to them through the library. How long have you been working at the Biz Hub? I have been working here at the Library since 2014. What’s your favorite food?IContinue reading “Meet the Staff: Willow Fuchs!”
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Interview Prep with Vault
The database: Vault Where to find it: You can find it here, and under V in the databases A-Z list. Use it to find: Internship information Company info, rankings and reviews – includes info such as: geographic reach, operations, sales and marketing, financial performance, strategy, competitors, and company news Information on Industries and Professions. IndustryContinue reading “Interview Prep with Vault”
Meet the Staff: Todd DeGraff!
Staff Profile: Todd DeGraff, Library Assistant III A little about yourself. “I am old but keep moving! Fiction and poetry are my great loves and pastimes, and language in general fascinates me. I am a fan of science fiction, horror, and other fringe topics. Straight-up science works too.” How long have you been working at the Biz Hub? “I haveContinue reading “Meet the Staff: Todd DeGraff!”
Business Source Complete: Relevant and Timely!
The database: Business Source Complete BSC Where to find it: You can find it here, and under B in the databases A-Z list. Use it to find: Full-text business journal articles Disciplines include: marketing, management, accounting, finance, economics, etc. Company profiles (from Marketline and Medtrack) Industry profiles (from Datamonitor) Country economic reports (from EIU andContinue reading “Business Source Complete: Relevant and Timely!”
Do you need help finding information? We are here to help you succeed.
Are you struggling to find:Company financials for your project?Market and industry information for your business plan? A SWOT analysis on a company?Opportunities and risks of doing business in another country? Business Librarians can help. Stop by the business library and ask for Willow or Kim. You may also set up an appointment.
Business Library Service Desk Closing Early Tuesday, 1/29 and Wednesday, 1/30
Due to the extreme cold forecast, the business library information desk will close at 5:00 pm on Tuesday, 1/29 and Wednesday, 1/30. The BizHub space will remain open as usual 24/7. Stay warm!
Phone or laptop battery low? Stop by the library service desk to check out a charger.
The business library has a variety of phone charges available for check out. Supported devices include iPhone, android phones, Apple laptops and Windows laptops. In addition to chargers, we also have HDMI cords and adapters available for check out, such as HDMI to HDMI, HDMI to Mini HDMI, USB-C to HDMI, Mini DisplayPort to HDMI, andContinue reading “Phone or laptop battery low? Stop by the library service desk to check out a charger.”
Looking for Statistics? Try Statista!
This semester we are highlighting some of the databases most useful to business students. First database up: Statista! From the website: “All of Statista’s charts are made available under the Creative Commons License CC BY-ND 3.0 and may be used and re-published without charge by all commercial and non-commercial websites. The only thing asked forContinue reading “Looking for Statistics? Try Statista!”
Bulky laptop dragging you down? Introducing TechGuard Locker Bay
Notice anything new in the Biz Hub this semester? Since our ritzy remodel last semester, the Biz Hub has been getting even more in sync with what students and faculty need. For those of you who might spend an entire afternoon in the business building, this new addition really comes as a relief. Enter, the Tech Guard Locker Bay.Continue reading “Bulky laptop dragging you down? Introducing TechGuard Locker Bay”
Course Help in the BizHub
Need assistance with your courses? Tippie learning coaches will be available Monday-Wednesday, 5-7 pm, in the BizHub. You will find coaches in group rooms C324 and C326. Just ask at the service desk, and Library staff will direct you. Tutors can help with ECON:1100 Microeconomics (C324) ECON:1200 Macroeconomics (C324) STAT:1030 Statistics for Business (C326) LearnContinue reading “Course Help in the BizHub”