At the end of my Capstone experience and the certificate program I’m looking back at two semesters where I got to experience what it means to be engaged in the Digital Humanities, and even – with the second half of the spring semester being affected by the necessary Covid19 arrangements – what it means toContinue reading “The Interdisciplinary Avenues of Adjusting to the Circumstances”
Category Archives: PDH Certificate
Doing Digital Work From My One-Bedroom Apartment
The second half of the semester has been difficult for a million different reasons. Many of us are relegated to small apartments or bedrooms, some of us have roommates, and many of us are far from our loved ones, which makes this transition to working from home even tougher. My mother, sister, and brother allContinue reading “Doing Digital Work From My One-Bedroom Apartment”
Reflections on My Capstone Project Amid a Pandemic
For my Digital Humanities Capstone Project in the spring semester 2020, I’m investigating the topic of loneliness in cities. In particular, I’m interested in the question: “How friendly is a city for a lonely person?“ As loneliness spiked in urban areas in the past decade, experts and the media started talking about the loneliness epidemic.Continue reading “Reflections on My Capstone Project Amid a Pandemic”
Digital Diaries: Perfecting the Map and Professionalizing the Website
I first came to the Studio in the summer of 2019. I had taken one graduate seminar where I got to create some of my own digital projects, and I wanted to learn more. After getting to craft my very own mapping project over the summer, I ended up taking two more courses that hadContinue reading “Digital Diaries: Perfecting the Map and Professionalizing the Website”
Welcome to a SLIS Capstone Experience: A Mysterious Collection: Film Print-Block from Galena, Ill
Welcome to a SLIS Capstone Experience: Mysterious Collection: Film Print-Block from Galena, Ill Coming into this project, I was faced with a significant challenge: I did not have a large data-set or previous research coming into my Capstone experience. I knew however that I wanted to work on a project that was based on visualizationContinue reading “Welcome to a SLIS Capstone Experience: A Mysterious Collection: Film Print-Block from Galena, Ill”
Points on a Map
The end of another semester means another update to my map! This semester I focused closely on the first 30 locations in the text, ten from each category of location I determined, visited locations (gray), mentioned in poetry (blue), and mentioned in prose (yellow) . This covers chapters 1-9 for visited locations, 1-10 for placesContinue reading “Points on a Map”
Reflections on the Digital Humanities Capstone Symposium
Yesterday, I attended the Public Digital Humanities (DH) Capstone Symposium. The symposium represented the final step towards completing the Public Digital Humanities certificate. At the event, my colleagues discussed the digital projects they had worked on during the semester, as part of the capstone. Later, the audience, which consisted of members of the Digital ScholarshipContinue reading “Reflections on the Digital Humanities Capstone Symposium”
About my Digital Humanities Capstone Project …
My research broadly examines Black women who traveled abroad for their education motives, either teaching, researching, or studying, during the 20th century. With the Digital Humanities (DH) Capstone Project, I wanted to utilize digital tools to explore, present, and interpret my research. My overall aim was to engage a wider audience with my research, solidifyContinue reading “About my Digital Humanities Capstone Project …”
Eurasian Manuscripts – Keogh Fall 2019 DH Capstone
For my DH Capstone semester, I am working on the usability and clarity for a website about manuscripts. It started here and now looks like this. The site is an outlet for materials discussed in the 2016 Mellon-Sawyer Seminar, “Cultural and Textual Exchanges: The Manuscript Across Pre-Modern Eurasia.” You may find information on the seminarContinue reading “Eurasian Manuscripts – Keogh Fall 2019 DH Capstone”
Back at it aGenji
Hello again! I’m continuing my work from the summer fellowship this semester as I work on my PDH Capstone with the Studio. This semester I am primarily focused on fleshing out the first thirty locations for my map. I’m still following my previously established large headings (visited in text, mentioned in text, and mentioned inContinue reading “Back at it aGenji”