The end of another semester means another update to my map! This semester I focused closely on the first 30 locations in the text, ten from each category of location I determined, visited locations (gray), mentioned in poetry (blue), and mentioned in prose (yellow) . This covers chapters 1-9 for visited locations, 1-10 for placesContinue reading “Points on a Map”
Author Archives: mbgill
Back at it aGenji
Hello again! I’m continuing my work from the summer fellowship this semester as I work on my PDH Capstone with the Studio. This semester I am primarily focused on fleshing out the first thirty locations for my map. I’m still following my previously established large headings (visited in text, mentioned in text, and mentioned inContinue reading “Back at it aGenji”
A Tale of Travel
I’ve been hard at work with data entry for my project this summer, see my full thoughts in my vlog below! -Mac Gill
Place and The Tale of Genji
The Tale of Genji, written in approximately year 1000, during Japan’s Heian Period, was penned by Murasaki Shikibu, a mid ranking noble court lady who served the Empress. Widely considered to be the world’s first real novel, it combines fictional characters, relationships and plot line with the very real intricacies of every day life atContinue reading “Place and The Tale of Genji”