The National Czech and Slovak Museum and Libraries have a vast collection of books damaged in the flood. Most of their collection is currently in storage in Cedar Rapids awaiting treatment. We recently received a box of books that was pretty smelly. In order to help curb the smell we developed a new way to use an odor reducer that we have been using for some time in the lab.

The Gonzo Odor Eliminator comes in large bags, too big to fit into boxes filled with books. We decided to make smaller packages of the rocks to be able to place an odor eliminator into each box of books. We ordered large heat-sealable tea bags and set to work. Each package of Odor Eliminator was opened and poured into approximately 12 tea bags. Each bag was then sealed with a tacking iron. Once sealed the bags were placed into the boxes of books to help reduce the “flood smell” on the books.