Tuesday, September 4, 2012 At the end of June, the Preservation and Conservation Department welcomed our new conservator, Giselle Simon. Giselle joined us from the Newberry Library in Chicago. We were so excited for her to get here so we could put her straight to work on very important tasks, like boxing up officeContinue reading “Welcome Giselle!”
Author Archives: Kathleen Tandy
Busy Summer
Wednesday, August 15, 2012 Change was a foot this summer in the UI Libraries Conservation Lab. We started the summer by starting to pack up our lab space in preparation for our move to the 5thfloor of the library. It was a long, sometimes sad process but we knew that moving to a new cleanContinue reading “Busy Summer”
It’s a small world
Friday, May 18, 2012 I always love when things come together to remind us how small the world really is. I have been working on a Bible from the African American Museum of Iowa that was damaged in the flood. The Bible was in pretty bad shape. The binding had totally failed and it wasContinue reading “It’s a small world”
Johnson County Record Books
Wednesday, May 9, 2012 We have conserved a number of record books from the Flood of 2008 for the Johnson County Historical Society. Most of them have been pretty straight forward in the treatment that was needed. We were so close to being finished with all of the record books when we came across aContinue reading “Johnson County Record Books”
Hinge Tightening
Hinge Tightening or Tightening in Case This treatment should be performed when the hinge(s) of a book are loose but not separated. Do not use this treatment if the cover cloth is torn at the joint. The materials needed for this treatment are: Knitting needle PVA inContinue reading “Hinge Tightening”
Record Return!
We have been working on many projects for various museums that got hit by the flood of 2008. Remember the entry way back on December 18 of 2009? We may have sounded elated about our accomplishments then, but now we are for sure! We have finally finished the rest of the flood-damaged phonograph records. AllContinue reading “Record Return!”
Mini Ornaments Upon a Holiday Tree
This time of year is full of spirit and creativity. We like to indulge ourselves with fun, small projects like the Conservation Holiday Ornaments. All these ornaments were made within our department by Jody Beenk, Lucy David, Dan Essig, Bill Voss, Susan Hanson, Bu Wilson, Cynthia Mosier and other conservation workers. We have mastered miniatureContinue reading “Mini Ornaments Upon a Holiday Tree”
Moving out of 5th floor
Have you ever wondered what was in room 5065 “staff office” with the classification of the word typewriting across the door? Well, today is your lucky day. The room use to be a work space where PhD candidates’ dissertations were typed. Furthermore, this was our storage space for the items being recovered from the flood.Continue reading “Moving out of 5th floor”
Linda Lundy’s Incredible Boxes
Linda Lundy, a conservation staff member, has just finished over 300 beautiful, small boxes for book storage use. These boxes were made to hold a variety of small books for the university’s main collection; anywhere from poems to storybooks, even spanish to english translation dictionaries. The boxes were measured and designed specifically for shelving within theContinue reading “Linda Lundy’s Incredible Boxes”
Odor Reduction for Books in Storage
The National Czech and Slovak Museum and Libraries have a vast collection of books damaged in the flood. Most of their collection is currently in storage in Cedar Rapids awaiting treatment. We recently received a box of books that was pretty smelly. In order to help curb the smell we developed a new way toContinue reading “Odor Reduction for Books in Storage”