Arts and humanities researchers interested in collaborating with campus technologists and librarians to develop innovative technology project proposals for the upcoming Arts & Humanities Initiative (AHI) grant cycle are encouraged to attend one of two workshops. While project consultations are geared toward AHI applicants, any researcher interested in getting a digital project off the groundContinue reading “Digital Humanities Project Development Workshops”
Category Archives: Digital Scholarship & Publishing
A new view for IDL
We’ve added a new viewer to the item interface for the Iowa Digital Library. dmMonicle is an image viewer that makes it easier to see detailed pictures with its click-and-drag capability (think Google Maps). Another significant change is how you zoom. Rather than having defined zoom levels, zooming is handled with a sliderbar. It doesn’tContinue reading “A new view for IDL”
Chicago bound
Congratulations to former DLS student assistant and recent library school grad Sarah Dorpinghaus on accepting her first professional position. Sarah was instrumental in helping us put together our Lincoln Digital Collection, so it’s fitting that she’ll relocate to the Land of Lincoln, where she’ll be working as a Project Archivist at the Chicago History Museum. Good luck, Sarah! “City ofContinue reading “Chicago bound”
Bon Voyage, Anne!
This week, DLS bids farewell to Digital Projects Librarian Anne Shelley, who has accepted the position of assistant librarian with the Center for Transportation Studies at the University of Minnesota. Anne started her tenure just last June amid the rising waters of the Iowa River flood. Listing all of her accomplishments would cause the blog server toContinue reading “Bon Voyage, Anne!”
Good luck, Shawn!
In a parallel universe where the economy is in better shape, it would have been great to have temporary Digital Projects Librarian Shawn Averkamp moved to permanent staff. Alas in this universe, we have to say goodbye, as she leaves today to prepare for relocating to The University of Alabama Libraries, which has been lucky enough toContinue reading “Good luck, Shawn!”
250,000 items and counting
This past week, the Iowa Digital Library surpassed 250,000 items. There has been much to celebrate since the 100,000th item was added just a little over a year ago, as several new collections have been released. They range from historical photographs of the UI’s trendsetting physical education program for women to material related to Abraham Lincoln to photographs andContinue reading “250,000 items and counting”
The big reveal
Welcome to the Iowa Digital Library home page version 2.0! We hope you enjoy the newly redesigned site as much as we do. The old page dated all the way back to 2006, making it 21 in dog years, and virtually ancient in digital library years. Designed in response to our rapid growth since then,Continue reading “The big reveal”
Shy of a dozen
This semester, DLS is happily hosting eleven SLIS digital librarianship fellows. Some faces are familiar ones, as several fellows from the first cohort have stayed on to either finish up previous projects or embark on new digital adventures. Many second-cohort fellows have begun their assignments, as well, making the DLS project room full of bodiesContinue reading “Shy of a dozen”
New arrivals
Congratulations to Jen Wolfe, and welcome to the world, Audrey and Calvin!!! Born: Sunday, Aug 17th, 10:23 am/10:24 am Calvin James, 6lbs. 13 oz Audrey Claire, 4lbs. 7oz –Mark F. Anderson Digital Initiatives Librarian
Nurturing a sustainable program
As I prepare to go on leave for the next few months, I’ve been relieved to see how well we’ve been able to plan for my absence, thanks to the Libraries’ ongoing commitment to growing a sustainable digital initiatives program. While a leave of this length would have been detrimental to our progress back whenContinue reading “Nurturing a sustainable program”