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Making tracks at Indy

Just returned from Indianapolis and Midwest Users Group Conference for CONTENTdm, the digital asset management software that we use to power the Iowa Digital Library.  This was the third annual meeting, but really the first year that it’s been truly regional, attendance-wise.  It was really positive to hear how numbers had grown in those threeContinue reading “Making tracks at Indy”

Campus maps, now with ones and zeros

Anybody who spends more than a few months on a university campus knows how quickly the buildings and landscape can change. For instance, a sidewalk I used to traverse everyday on my way to and from the Main Library while in library school (ca. 2003) is now the Adler Journalism Building. A whole swath of land southContinue reading “Campus maps, now with ones and zeros”

Ghosts and black angels: local hauntings

October is here, and with it, thoughts of Halloween and darker nights.  With that in mind, DLS invites people to brush up on their local haunted lore via the Irving Weber’s Iowa City Digital Collection. Perhaps the most recognized haunted feature in the area is the Black Angel of Oakland Cemetery. I had heard of theContinue reading “Ghosts and black angels: local hauntings”

IDL’s CONTENTdm collections: new look; new location

Big changes this week for the Iowa Digital Library. A major redesign (completed with the help of Scott Fiddelke, Linda Roth and DLS student assistant Julia Bleeker) has been applied to CONTENTdm templates. This means no more navy blue headers for local collections, and a more uniform look and feel when using The University ofContinue reading “IDL’s CONTENTdm collections: new look; new location”

JPEG: The Next Generation

It’s early July, which in the library world means post-ALA.  I was one of over 21,000 attendees to descend on Washington D.C. and the American Library Association annual conference.  For a Digital Initiatives Librarian, the selection of sessions and meetings at the conference is not as broad as for public librarians, school librarians and otherContinue reading “JPEG: The Next Generation”

Digital connections: The Dentistry College Class Photos

Although the Dentistry College Class Photos Collection is just over halfway complete, it has already received much attention surrounding the 125th anniversary of the UI College of Dentistry.  A University press release highlighted the collection and the excitement surrounding it. Illustrating the relevance of this digital collection, two people closely associated with its creation foundContinue reading “Digital connections: The Dentistry College Class Photos”

Legacy collections: piling on the content

Last year, a friend of mine gave me several dozen CDs that he did not want to store and take care of any more. Most were albums and artists that I liked and might have bought anyway, but his large, one-time donation saved me that time and expense, and obviously caused my music collection toContinue reading “Legacy collections: piling on the content”

Happy birthday to me!

No, it’s not my actual birthday, but this January marks my first full year as a Digital Initiatives Librarian at The University of Iowa Libraries, and while I served in a couple of short-term roles at UI since 2004 (Map Library Assistant & Statewide Digital Initiatives Specialist for the Iowa Heritage Digital Collections), 2006 wasContinue reading “Happy birthday to me!”