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Hear Iowa City readings from the new U.S. Poet Laureate

Headshot of Philip Levine
Philip Levine, from the Iowa Alumni Review, vol. 46, Jan. 1993-Dec. 1993, The University of Iowa

Iowa Writers’ Workshop graduate Philip Levine (57MFA), “best known for his big-hearted, Whitmanesque poems about working-class Detroit” was named the new U.S. Poet Laureate today.

“I find him an extraordinary discovery because he introduced me to a whole new world I hadn’t connected to in poetry before,” James Billington, the librarian of Congress, told the New York Times on Monday. “He’s the laureate, if you like, of the industrial heartland. It’s a very, very American voice. I don’t know that in other countries you get poetry of that quality about the ordinary workingman.”

Please enjoy these Levine readings from the Virtual Writing University Archive:

—Nicole Saylor
Head, Digital Library Services