Today’s Daily Iowan features an article on the Horvat Collection of science fiction fanzines that the UI Libraries purchased last year after it was spotted on eBay. Included is coverage of DLS’ efforts to develop a searchable database of fanzine table of contents pages that should provide science fiction scholars with a powerful tool to pinpoint their research efforts.
To expand a little on the article:
— The Digital Collections department is more commonly (and more accurately) known as the Digital Library Services department, but who’s counting?
— Student assistant Sarah Remington’s observation about science fiction fanzine imagery can be corroborated here, here and especially here.
— Student assistant Don Dunbar has also spent many long hours working on the project, and was instrumental in our efforts to reconcile METS implementation with our digital asset management system.
— The project is still very much in its infancy, but we hope to get some content available soon, so check back. In the meantime, check out this FAQ to find out more of the technical details.
Many thanks to reporter Ray Mattson and The Daily Iowan for helping publicize the Horvat collection and our efforts to make its contents more accessible.
–Jen Wolfe
Metadata Librarian