On October 12th, 2004, Sylvie Merian, Reference Librarian at the Pierpont Morgan Library, provided the UI book studies community with a terrific illustrated lecture on the medieval Armenian manuscript book, entitled What Makes a Medieval Manuscript Medieval? Problems with the Periodization of Armenian Manuscripts. She defined the Armenian manuscript book as a medieval product despiteContinue reading “Visit from Armenian Manuscript & Book Scholar, Sylvie Merian”
Author Archives: Bryan Stusse
New Minter Sonic Sealer Delivered to Conservation, November 12-13, 2003
Bill Minter has delivered and installed a new Ultrasonic Welder for polyester encapsulation at the University of Iowa Conservation department. His visit was remarkable. He had previously installed one of the earliest welders here in 1984 and he mentioned that it was unusual to be describing features of a new machine in terms of differencesContinue reading “New Minter Sonic Sealer Delivered to Conservation, November 12-13, 2003”
UI Conservator, Gary Frost, participated in a UI Children’s Hospital time campsule opening on October 16, 2003.
The event is reported upon in the Iowa City Gazette article below. 1918 TIME CAPSULE OPENED; holds newspapers, UI course catalog By Tom Owen The Gazette Thursday, October 16, 2003, 11:15:12 AM IOWA CITY — As a curious audience waited, two employees of the University of Iowa’s Carver College of Medicine pried open a copperContinue reading “UI Conservator, Gary Frost, participated in a UI Children’s Hospital time campsule opening on October 16, 2003.”
Visit and Demonstration from Alan Puglia
On August 25, 2003 Alan Puglia, from the Harvard University Weissman Preservation Center, provided a demonstration of solvent-set book repair tissue. This repair method is suited to leather covered bindings and provides a direct and non-damaging method of reinforcing the hinges of these, frequently fragile, books. Both Harvard Libraires and our own Preservation department useContinue reading “Visit and Demonstration from Alan Puglia”
Preservation Department presents “Preserving Family Home Movies” at the Iowa State Fair
On August 12, 2003, Susan Hansen, Nancy E Kraft and David McCartney promoted the UI Libraries and “Preserving Family Home Movies” at the Iowa State Fair. In the morning David and Nancy joined WSUI’s (AM910) Dennis Reese in a discussion of preservation issues during “Talk of Iowa.” Website links mentioned during the radio program areContinue reading “Preservation Department presents “Preserving Family Home Movies” at the Iowa State Fair”
New UT Intern in Preservation Department, August 2003
The Conservation Unit will be hosting intern Melissa Bradshaw through mid-December. During her internship, Melissa will assist with routine treatment and participate in the Structure of the Handmade Book course. Melissa comes to us from the Preservation & Conservation Studies Program, School of Information, at University of Texas at Austin.
UI Libraries Helps Teach Preservation Of Cultural Materials
The University of Iowa Libraries NEWS RELEASES University of Iowa News Release Release: March 18, 2003 UI Libraries Helps Teach Preservation Of Cultural Materials Several University of Iowa librarians will help document managers from across Iowa learn how to preserve important papers and materials in a series of lectures and workshops offered by the IowaContinue reading “UI Libraries Helps Teach Preservation Of Cultural Materials”
Alumni Association Sponsors Memory Preservation Talk
Release: March 4, 2003 The University of Iowa Alumni Association and the UI Libraries are co-sponsoring a preservation techniques program at 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, March 19, at the State Historical Society Building, 600 East Locust in Des Moines, Iowa. Nancy E. Kraft, head of the Preservation Department and Conservation Unit at the UI Libraries, willContinue reading “Alumni Association Sponsors Memory Preservation Talk”
Keepsakes: Preserving Your Personal and Family Treasures
2003 Friends of the Libraries Annual Event The Preservation Department will be featured in a Friends of the Library Event on Thursday, April 10, 2003. The event, Keepsakes: Preserving Your Personal and Family Treasures, will be held in the IMU Second Floor Ballroom and will encourage participants to learn about organizing and preserving your familyContinue reading “Keepsakes: Preserving Your Personal and Family Treasures”
Tim Moore Delivers Maple Plow and Press, November 2002
On November 11 Tim Moore delivered a traditional lying press, tub, and plow to the UI Libraries Conservation Lab. This bookbinding equipment, in use since the 16th century, is still considered best for book edge trimming and pasteboard cutting. The press and plow builder, Tim Moore, is a master crafts-man internationally recognized as one ofContinue reading “Tim Moore Delivers Maple Plow and Press, November 2002”