On October 17, 2002 Jay Woodson and a small team of student workers successfully completed a yearlong marking project. The project involved remarking 13,988 Chinese volumes from the former Wade-Giles system to Pinyin. The marking project followed from the University of Iowa Libraries Pinyin bibliographic conversion project. For decades, American libraries used the Wade-Giles systemContinue reading “Pinyin Marking Project Completed October 2002”
Author Archives: Bryan Stusse
Russian Museum Officers Tour Preservation Department, October 2002
On October 7th, 2002 the UI Preservation Department hosted a tour for twelve Russian museum officers. The group was traveling the U.S. as part of an international visitor program on museum management. Nancy Kraft welcomed the visitors on behalf of the department and the library Director. She then offered comments on our disaster response planningContinue reading “Russian Museum Officers Tour Preservation Department, October 2002”
Italian Intern in Preservation Department
Preservation Department will be hosting Italian intern Carlo Mori from August- December 2002. Carlo is in his second year at the Fondazione per la Conservazione e il Restauro dei Beni Librari, located in the Umbrian town of Spoleto, a program whichinstructs students from all countries of Europe. Carlo’s curriculum at the Spoleto program includes codicology,Continue reading “Italian Intern in Preservation Department”
Parchment Maker Jesse Meyer visits University of Iowa, September 2002
Jesse Meyer, a young vellum and parchment maker, from Montgomery, New York, made a visit to our shop at the UI Libraries on September19, 2002. He provided a wonderfully clear and well expressed narrative of his long family history in leather tannage, which dates back 450 years, originating in Germany. He also taught us theContinue reading “Parchment Maker Jesse Meyer visits University of Iowa, September 2002”
Preservation Department presents Hand Bookbinding at the Iowa State Fair August 2002
On Tuesday, August 13th, Gary Frost, UIL Conservator, taught book sewing to kids of all ages at the Iowa State Fair. Young fair goers were able to pick from a colorful array of cover papers and then sew their cover and specially printed sheets into souvenir booklets. The hands-on exhibit was presented by the PreservationContinue reading “Preservation Department presents Hand Bookbinding at the Iowa State Fair August 2002”
Craig Jensen visits for top-down scanner/PPP Consultation June 2002
The UI and ISU Preservation Department’s hosted preservation imaging expert Craig Jensen at the University of Iowa Libraries from June 19-21, 2002. Jensen, who is based in Austin, Texas, co-developed the Elan GMK PPP (Precise Page Positioning) software used by both departments. Jensen provided instruction and problem solving advice with regards to the preservation imagingContinue reading “Craig Jensen visits for top-down scanner/PPP Consultation June 2002”
Field Trip to Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa May 2002
On May 30th, 2002, the UI Preservation Department headed west to Ames, Iowa, to visit its counterpart at Iowa State University. The day’s events provided an opportunity to tour ISU’s Preservation Department including the Collections Conservation, Binding, and Preservation Reformatting Sections. The visit was the first in a series to establish a collaborative effort betweenContinue reading “Field Trip to Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa May 2002”
Nancy Kraft’s 1 year anniversary at the UI Libraries
April 16, 2002 marks the one year anniversary of Nancy Kraft’s leadership of the Preservation Department at the the UI Libraries. She has done a great job heading up the department and been remarkably productive in her first year. Preservation staff helped her celebrate by decorating her office and giving her a small surprise party.
Completion of Boxing Project for Iowa Women’s Archives
The holdings of the Louise Noun-Mary Louise Smith Iowa Women’s Archives at the UI Main Library include a diverse collection of dozens and dozens of scrapbooks made by Iowa women. The Conservation Department has made protective boxes for these unusual and sometimes fragile items. Since August 2001, Assistant Conservator, Kristin Baum, with the assistance ofContinue reading “Completion of Boxing Project for Iowa Women’s Archives”
Field Trip to Library Binding Services, Des Moines (November 2001)
On November 27, 2001 a group of staff and students at the UI Libraries, took a trip to Library Binding Services (LBS) in Des Moines, Iowa. The purpose of the trip was twofold. The morning tours were designed to educate library staff about the manufacturing of the LBS products they use. Staff were asked toContinue reading “Field Trip to Library Binding Services, Des Moines (November 2001)”