The University of Iowa Libraries celebrated Open Access Week Month in a variety of ways, including several guest blog posts from faculty on why they support open access. Of particularly note to us is that all the authors include Iowa Research Online as an important component of their open access. We are happy that our repositoryContinue reading “IRO featured in Open Access Week guest blog posts”
Category Archives: Iowa Research Online
Worldwide Use of IRO
The publications in Iowa Research Online (IRO) are very widely used. From July 2014–June 2015, the items were downloaded more than 1.5 million times! This map shows the downloads of content from IRO during the last fiscal year. Adjust the map in the window below to see more countries. Move your cursor over the map to seeContinue reading “Worldwide Use of IRO”
5 million downloads
We are very excited to have had 5 million downloads in Iowa Research Online! We had 4 million downloads in November, so this last million happened in only about 6 months. Some of this growth is attributable to the fantastic content added recently (such as the State Historical Society journal Annals of Iowa, back to 1863). WhileContinue reading “5 million downloads”
Open Access Fund Articles in IRO
Two years ago, the University Libraries and the Provost’s Office launched an Open Access Fund to pay the processing fees related to open access publishing. The fund is meant to encourage the University community to publish their research in open access platforms. The open access publishing model allows free, immediate access to research and allowsContinue reading “Open Access Fund Articles in IRO”
IRO Highlights for Black History Month
Here are some highlights from our digital collections for black history month. These three books are available as free PDFs online. They were published in the University of Iowa Press Singular Lives series. Fly in the Buttermilk: The Life Story of Cecil Reed Cecil Reed Priscilla Donovan Born in 1913 in Collinsville, Illinois, Cecil Reed has livedContinue reading “IRO Highlights for Black History Month”
IRO January 2015 usage
Content in Iowa Research Online was downloaded 131,084 times in January, a 19% increase over January 2015. The items receiving the most use were all theses: Oxidation and reactivity of 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetaldehyde, a reactive intermediate of dopamine metabolism Nurse manager competencies Design of wind turbine tower and foundation systems: optimization approach Three essays on the customer satisfaction-customerContinue reading “IRO January 2015 usage”
1.5 Million downloads from IRO in 2014!
Iowa Research Online had an impressive 1,506,333 items downloaded in 2014. When all supplemental content is included, this number increases to 1,558,358! IRO currently has 16,209 full text items, 1,521 supplements and 118 streaming items (not included in download numbers). While most use came from the United States, 15% of the use came from otherContinue reading “1.5 Million downloads from IRO in 2014!”
IRO December 2014 Usage
While their total downloads was not the highest in IRO, these items had the greatest percentage increase of use in December compared with November. Compulsory Homosexuality and Black Masculine Performance Massacre of the innocents: poems ACT process measures : specificity and incremental value The Educational Weekly, Number 021, May 24, 1877 Class Struggle at theContinue reading “IRO December 2014 Usage”
IRO November 2014 Usage
We regularly look at usage information for Iowa Research Online. The software shows us the 10 items receiving the most downloads overall (total use is averaged out across how long the item has been publicly (freely) available), which allows new items to enter the top ten. However, this list tends to remain similar from month to monthContinue reading “IRO November 2014 Usage”
Four Million Downloads!
Items in Iowa Research Online have been downloaded more than four million times! This means that scholarship created by University of Iowa faculty, researchers and students is being read around the world. We crossed the three million mark in late January 2014; it is so very exciting to have had such an increase in just over nine monthsContinue reading “Four Million Downloads!”