With a few items from the Iowa Digital Library, we celebrate Juan Gris 125th birthday, known for his cubist style and working alongside Picasso (a fellow countryman) and Braque whose cubist work was largely monochromatic. Juan Gris, on the other hand, painted his cubist designs with a brighter palette more in keeping with his friendContinue reading “Happy Birthday, Juan Gris”
Author Archives: Mark Anderson
Root Beer
Nothing goes together with summertime like root beer. And given this summer, the colder the better. The Nourished Kitchen blog published a recipe for homemade root beer, and in describing the history of the beverage, pointed to a delightful 1891 pamphlet for Hires’ Root Beer from the Szathmary Recipe Pamphlet digital collection from the Iowa DigitalContinue reading “Root Beer”
NonfictioNow 2010 Recordings Available
On November 4-6, 2010, the Department of English hosted NonfictioNow 2010, the third Bedell Nonfiction Conference. About 450 writers and readers met in the Iowa Memorial Union to explore the past, present, and future of nonfiction in its myriad forms. The Iowa Digital Library has extended the reach of those discussions to online users everywhereContinue reading “NonfictioNow 2010 Recordings Available”
Iowa City UNESCO City of Literature iPhone App
Developers of the Writing Universtiy at the University of Iowa have released a new iPhone app that focuses on Iowa City’s place as a UNESCO City of Literature. The app can be downloaded through the iTunes App Store. More information can be found through the UI News Service. The Virtual Writing University Archive is another resource thatContinue reading “Iowa City UNESCO City of Literature iPhone App”
Short Fiction Award
Barbara Hamby’s “Lester Higata’s 20th Century” was announced as the winner of the 2010 John Simmons Short Fiction Award winner from the University of Iowa Press. The John Simmons Short Fiction Award — named for the first director of the University of Iowa Press — was created in 1988 to complement the existing Iowa ShortContinue reading “Short Fiction Award”
Homecoming 1930-2010
Take a trip back 80 years with a few homecoming memories from the Iowa Digital Library. Iowa-Penn State homecoming football game, Nov. 15, 1930 Iowa-Penn State homecoming football game, Nov. 15, 1930 Homecoming corn monument, 1930 Homecoming pin, 1930 Cheerleader placing pin on hawk during Homecoming festivities,Continue reading “Homecoming 1930-2010”
Ephemeral bovine
It’s helpful for Digital Library Services to examine usage statistics about the Iowa Digital Library to see where site traffic comes from and which collections have more or less hits. Sometimes, it’s just fun to see outside links pointing to unexpected places. The Springer Printing Ephemera is a digital collectiton containing samples from various printing companies,Continue reading “Ephemeral bovine”
A new view for IDL
We’ve added a new viewer to the item interface for the Iowa Digital Library. dmMonicle is an image viewer that makes it easier to see detailed pictures with its click-and-drag capability (think Google Maps). Another significant change is how you zoom. Rather than having defined zoom levels, zooming is handled with a sliderbar. It doesn’tContinue reading “A new view for IDL”
Bon Voyage, Anne!
This week, DLS bids farewell to Digital Projects Librarian Anne Shelley, who has accepted the position of assistant librarian with the Center for Transportation Studies at the University of Minnesota. Anne started her tenure just last June amid the rising waters of the Iowa River flood. Listing all of her accomplishments would cause the blog server toContinue reading “Bon Voyage, Anne!”
New arrivals
Congratulations to Jen Wolfe, and welcome to the world, Audrey and Calvin!!! Born: Sunday, Aug 17th, 10:23 am/10:24 am Calvin James, 6lbs. 13 oz Audrey Claire, 4lbs. 7oz –Mark F. Anderson Digital Initiatives Librarian