Late yesterday, the University of Iowa Museum of Art announced the passing of Byron Burford, Professor of Art at the University of Iowa for nearly 40 years. He died on Friday, June 17, at the age of 90.

According to the UIMA, Buford was originally from Mississippi and came to Iowa City to study with Grant Wood. “After graduating with an MFA in 1947, he became a fixture of local life, known for his jazz performances and as the director of the Great Byron Burford Circus of Artistic Wonders, a collection of motorized canvases that toured the Midwest.”
Buford’s work acquired by the UIMA can be found in the University of Iowa Museum of Art Digital Collection hosted by the Iowa Digital Library.
“Burford’s art is well-represented in major museum collections across the country. The UIMA first collected his work in 1968, with an oil painting from 1948 entitled Harmonica Player or Summer Event. Since then, the museum has acquired 16 additional works by Burford, many of which have proven to be very popular with visitors and staff alike.”
—Nicole Saylor
Head, Digital Library Services