The University of Iowa Digital Library now contains 100,000 items. To mark this milestonetemp, a 13th-century Bible manuscript page from the Special Collections Department of the UI Libraries has been scanned and uploaded to represent the transformation of information storage over the centuries, from handmade parchment to zeroes and ones. “Digital versions of rareContinue reading “Iowa Digital Library now contains 100,000 items”
Monthly Archives: April 2008
IDL staff pick: “The president and the portrait” program, 1964
As the Iowa Digital Library approaches the 100,000-item mark, we’re celebrating this milestonetemp by highlighting some of our favorite items from the collections. Title: The president and the portrait: a featured presentation of the Twenty-Sixth Annual Fine Arts Festival, Iowa Memorial Union, State University of Iowa, June 10-Aug. 5., 1964 Creator: unknown Collection: Art FestivalContinue reading “IDL staff pick: “The president and the portrait” program, 1964″
IDL staff pick: The Brownie Scouts in the Circus, 1949
As the Iowa Digital Library approaches the 100,000-item mark, we’re celebrating this milestonetemp by highlighting some of our favorite items from the collections. Title: The Brownie Scouts in the Circus Creator: Mildred Wirt Benson Collection: Mildred Wirt Benson Digital Collection Ghosts, kidnappers, thieves, and blackmailers abound in the novels of Nancy Drew author and UIContinue reading “IDL staff pick: The Brownie Scouts in the Circus, 1949”
IDL staff pick: Close Hall, The University of Iowa, 1900s
As the Iowa Digital Library approaches the 100,000-item mark, we’re celebrating this milestonetemp by highlighting some of our favorite items from the collections. Title: Close Hall, The University of Iowa, 1900s Creator: unknown Collection: Iowa City Town and Campus Scenes My staff pick is Close Hall which served as the YMCA/YWCA in the early partContinue reading “IDL staff pick: Close Hall, The University of Iowa, 1900s”
IDL staff pick: Hattie Jacobs’ postcard collection, 1908-1910
As the Iowa Digital Library approaches the 100,000-item mark, we’re celebrating this milestonetemp by highlighting some of our favorite items from the collections. Title: Hattie Jacobs’ postcard collection, 1908-1910 Creator: unknown Collection: Noble Photographs Digital Collection I am fond of old postcards because I like to read other people’s mail. A few from the NobleContinue reading “IDL staff pick: Hattie Jacobs’ postcard collection, 1908-1910”
IDL staff pick: Children’s wonder book, 1905
As the Iowa Digital Library approaches the 100,000-item mark, we’re celebrating this milestonetemp by highlighting some of our favorite items from the collections. Title: Children’s wonder book Creator: Steinwender-Stoffregen Coffee Co. Collection: Szathmary Recipe Pamphlets Digital Collection This is a page from the “Children’s Wonder Book”, a 1905 advertising pamphlet for Yale Coffee containingContinue reading “IDL staff pick: Children’s wonder book, 1905”
IDL staff pick: James Van Allen with rockoon, 1950s
As the Iowa Digital Library approaches the 100,000-item mark, we’re celebrating this milestonetemp by highlighting some of our favorite items from the collections. Title: James Van Allen on deck at an arctic rockoon expedition, 1950s Creator: Joseph Kasper Collection: Research Collections Images Prof. James Van Allen adjusting equipment about to be sent aloft during anContinue reading “IDL staff pick: James Van Allen with rockoon, 1950s”
IDL staff pick: Supersisters trading cards, 1979
As the Iowa Digital Library approaches the 100,000-item mark, we’re celebrating this milestonetemp by highlighting some of our favorite items from the collections. Title: Supersisters trading cards, 1979 Creator: Supersisters Collection: Iowa Women’s Archives Founders Digital Collection In 1978, Lois Rich was asked by her 8-year-old daughter, a baseball card collector, why there weren’t anyContinue reading “IDL staff pick: Supersisters trading cards, 1979”
IDL staff pick: Threshing at an Iowa farm, 1910s
As the Iowa Digital Library approaches the 100,000-item mark, we’re celebrating this milestonetemp by highlighting some of our favorite items from the collections. Title: Threshing at the Graham farm, Davis City, Iowa, 1910s Creator: unknown Collection: Noble Photographs Digital Collection One of my favorite images from the digital collections is this image of threshing. IContinue reading “IDL staff pick: Threshing at an Iowa farm, 1910s”
IDL staff pick: Mary Louise Smith listening to anti-ERA speech, Iowa, 1980
As the Iowa Digital Library approaches the 100,000-item mark, we’re celebrating this milestonetemp by highlighting some of our favorite items from the collections. Title: Rosa Cunningham and Mary Louise Smith listening to anti-ERA speech at state GOP convention, Iowa, June 1980 Creator: unknown Collection: Iowa Women’s Archives Founders Digital Collection These two women are listeningContinue reading “IDL staff pick: Mary Louise Smith listening to anti-ERA speech, Iowa, 1980”