Tuesday, June 9, 2009 I checked in with the conservation lab staff this morning. I happened to have my camera with me and thought you might like to have a snapshot of a typical day. This is the activity I captured at 10AM this morning. While the ledger from the Johnson County Historical Society driesContinue reading “A Typical Day of Flood Recovery Work”
Author Archives: Nancy E. Kraft
Amanda’s Grandma’s Bible: A Tribute
Monday, May 25, 2009 Every once in a while, we get to make a difference in someone’s life. I think it’s fitting on Memorial Day and the anniversary of the Parkersburg EF5 tornado, to post these pictures of Amanda’s Grandpa opening the Bible that our conservator repaired as best he could. His wife, Amanda’s GrandmaContinue reading “Amanda’s Grandma’s Bible: A Tribute”
Figuring Out Our New Water System
Wednesday, May 21, 2009 One of our big concerns is to make sure that everyone knows how to shut the system down in case there is a leak. A leak is a sure thing when a new system is installed — at least in my opinion it is. It always takes a while to shakeContinue reading “Figuring Out Our New Water System”
Water System Installation Begins
Thursday, May 15, 2009 The installation of the water system is very complex. It includes a water softener, carbon filter, storage and exchange tanks, a UV light to continually disinfect the constantly circulating water, water purification system, de-ionizer and water heater. The actual installation is being coordinated between the university water engineer and our facilitiesContinue reading “Water System Installation Begins”
Clean Water Coming UP!
Thursday, May 14, 2009 At long last we are seeing action on obtaining a new water system. Our proposal to replace our old system was first drawn up in September 2007. We finally had it accepted in the spring of 2008. Then the floods came. No more money. We could not keep our old systemContinue reading “Clean Water Coming UP!”
Art Folio Portfolio
Wednesday, May 6, 2009 We are making steady progress on the books damaged in the Art Library sprinkler incident. We have been very fortunate in that most books show no to minimal damage. If you look closely at the first couple photos, you can see that there is water staining along the edges. This isContinue reading “Art Folio Portfolio”
Cleaning Moldy Books and Magazines
Thursday, March 5, 2009 Over the past few days, I have received several inquiries on how to deal with mold on books or magazines. Here are some tips. The items need to be dry before working on them. Set them out somewhere away from people (I use my garage), to let the items dry. IfContinue reading “Cleaning Moldy Books and Magazines”
Art Books To Campus Freezer
Tuesday, March 3, 2009 Once the art books were safely stashed in the freezer truck, we began looking for on campus freezers. We found one in Macbride Hall — a nice sized walk in freezer. We were able to get all but 50 boxes into the freezer. As Rijn and I were brainstorming how toContinue reading “Art Books To Campus Freezer”
Putting the Book Freeze Dryer to Work
Tuesday, March 3, 2009 We spent the first part of the morning practicing setting the controls and reviewing the maintenance procedures. Then we loaded up the freezer — a much awaited event. Our old freeze dryer had started losing freezer capability a few days ago. The books were still cold but had begun to thaw.Continue reading “Putting the Book Freeze Dryer to Work”
Richard Smith Provides Freeze Dryer Training
Monday, March 2, 2009 Dick Smith, the inventor of the Wei T’o Book Freeze Dryer and Insect Exterminator, after checking all the controls to make sure they had survived the trip, spent the day training us on how to use the freezer. The first step is to set the controls to freeze the books. OnceContinue reading “Richard Smith Provides Freeze Dryer Training”