Wednesday, January 28, 2009
In 2007, School of Library and Information Science Preservation students Laura Guth, Sally Myers, and Kris Wiley prepared a preservation plan for the oversize collection of about 550 books at the University of Iowa Art Library. The plan called for sending a small number of items to Book Repair each week. In addition to any repair work, those items needing additional support and protection were to be sent on to the Conservation Lab. We implemented this plan late 2007.
Since making boxes of this size is hard on the hands and elbows, Linda Lundy makes only 1-2 a week. This means that we make slow but steady progress on this project. LInda has constructed 76 boxes so far.
Even though the Art Library is closed due to damage to the building during the June floods, staff are still retrieving for patron use. During these trips to the Art Library, items from the oversized area are pulled and forwarded to preservation. One piece sent over was: fNA280.W54 Atlas, Die Archaische Poros-Architekure der Akropolis zu Athen. The piece measured 17 3/8” wide by 23 ½” long. By the time the box was made, it measured 18 3/8” wide by 25” long. The preservation box enclosure will protect the piece from further damage by light, moisture and dust and will keep the piece sitting straight on the shelf.