Category Archives: Studio Fellows
Measuring Moral Judgment Project Reflection
This summer I have been working on a project that will test the validity of a social psychological theory in measuring human moral judgment. To facilitate my research project, I began by constructing a survey that was posted on Amazon Mechanical Turk to pilot the test. My survey presented participants with moral transgressions, where theyContinue reading “Measuring Moral Judgment Project Reflection”
Blog Post #2: Conspiracy Theories
This summer has allowed me to use my current skill set of basic text analysis while also improving on my flexibility and open-mindedness in research. While I have made progress on my research project, and accomplished many of the goals that I set out with at the beginning of the summer, I understand that thereContinue reading “Blog Post #2: Conspiracy Theories”
Projection Mapping with Interlocking Sculpture: A Start
Within my current graduate research I employ light and shadow in immersive installations meant to captivate my audience in a world of my design. Throughout my degree I’ve implemented programs that utilize technical design and execute it in interesting interconnective ways. My primary material has been cardboard due to its democratic nature, but in theContinue reading “Projection Mapping with Interlocking Sculpture: A Start”
Milling About
When the first generation of “mill girls,” Yankee farmers’ daughters, arrived in New England’s textile factories in the early 19th-century, they were not completely sure what they would encounter or how much work they would have to do. Two hundred years later as I begin to collect and organize an archive of their writings, IContinue reading “Milling About”
Conspiracy Theory Analysis
Conspiracy theories are a current and dangerous misinformation problem. Unfortunately, during the Covid-19 pandemic, many conspiracy theories, such as QAnon and 5G’s alleged link to Covid-19, spread and became mainstream. As a result, I decided to conduct a research project discussing conspiracy theories during the Covid-19 pandemic. I first determined whether to obtain a setContinue reading “Conspiracy Theory Analysis”
[Data] Mining for Medieval Messengers
Prior to Samuel Morse’s invention of the telegraph in the first half of the nineteenth century, communication technology was chiefly limited to oral or textual messages delivered by a messenger. British sci-fi savant Arthur C. Clarke expands upon this fact, stating that “When Queen Victoria came to the throne in 1837, she had no swifterContinue reading “[Data] Mining for Medieval Messengers”
Understanding Everyday Moral Judgment
This summer I am working on a research project testing a social psychological theory’s ability to predict human moral judgment on moral transgressions. Understanding how humans make moral judgments and decisions in everyday life is important to understanding key social issues. My project uses stories adapted from a subreddit called “Am I the Asshole”, toContinue reading “Understanding Everyday Moral Judgment”
Susa Imports Catalogue
For nearly 80 years the site of Susa, Iran was a site rich in archaeological finds. Excavated by the French, the site revealed a plethora of material remains that deeply impacted the art historical canon of the Near East. My project involves looking through the catalogues and isolating the finds that were imported to theContinue reading “Susa Imports Catalogue”
Searching for Sites of Renowned Intermedia Artist in Iowa City
The journey seeking sites and connections to renowned artist Ana Mendieta has been slow but rewarding. As the heat and humidity of summer persist, tainted with a haze of smoke from the millions of acres burning in Canada, I look for Ana’s voice in the present– how the artist would have responded to the earthContinue reading “Searching for Sites of Renowned Intermedia Artist in Iowa City”