Intro This summer I began work on a publishing project called Rampage Party Press, which I’ll spend the next year developing as my thesis project to complete an MFA in Book Arts. Before this program, I received an MFA from the Iowa Writers’ Workshop, where I studied poetry. In so many ways, Rampage Party PressContinue reading “Summer fellow Margaret Yapp’s final presentation script”
Category Archives: Studio Fellows
Summer fellow Connie Chen’s final presentation
Connie Chen’s final presentation and findings from the summer, Tampons of Tauromachy can be found on video here.
Audio recordings from summer fellow María G. Marroquín Perez
The following are audio recordings in both Spanish and English produced by María G. Marroquín Perez: Recording in Spanish: Recording in English:
Summer fellow Aileen Tierney’s final presentation script
Hi, good afternoon! My name is Aileen Tierney and I’m an English PhD student going into my third year at the University of Iowa. As a Digital Studio Summer Fellow, I spent my summer learning how to code in Python in addition to reading relevant subjects in my field of study (contemporary literature) such asContinue reading “Summer fellow Aileen Tierney’s final presentation script”
Summer fellow Alejandro Mauricio Ruiz Zepeda’s final presentation script
In the morning I go out to the garden and water the plants. I pick up some of the guavas that have fallen from the tree. This is my routine when I visit my parents in the winter. The guavas are yellow and pink, the size of a lime. I bring one of them toContinue reading “Summer fellow Alejandro Mauricio Ruiz Zepeda’s final presentation script”
Summer fellow Hasan Degerli’s final presentation script
“As a PhD candidate in Religious Studies, I am interested in Late Antique Christian warrior saints or military martyrs, how they emerged and how their cults spread throughout Mediterranean. In this summer project, I aimed to create a geo-spatial map based on ancient Christian sources. To prepare the map, I started by scanning primary sourcesContinue reading “Summer fellow Hasan Degerli’s final presentation script”
Herencia means Heritage: Empowering Artisans and Fostering Community by Javier Espinosa Momox
To whom does history belong: to those who live it or to those who record it? For too long, we have accepted that history is told from hegemonic academic institutions, dominated by wealthy Caucasian individuals, who say who has access to historical knowledge. As the popular saying goes, “History is written by the victors,” orContinue reading “Herencia means Heritage: Empowering Artisans and Fostering Community by Javier Espinosa Momox”
Summer fellow Mahdi Feyz Karimlou’s final presentation script
(In Farsi:) برای یک زندگی معمولی. For an ordinary life. In September 2022, when Iranians started a series of street demonstrations, everyone knew that a new social movement was taking shape. Many asked what this movement was all about; and many truly answered: abolishing a system of male-dominant gender relations. However, social movements not onlyContinue reading “Summer fellow Mahdi Feyz Karimlou’s final presentation script”
Summer fellow Falak Jalali’s final presentation script
My name is Falak Jalali. I am a PhD student in Geography. I work with farmers in Himachal Pradesh, a hilly state in northern India. Himachal Pradesh is part of the great Himalayan ranges, which span eight countries. Over the last decade, agriculture has shifted from subsistence to high-value horticulture crops, coupled with impacts ofContinue reading “Summer fellow Falak Jalali’s final presentation script”
The Studio’s 2024 cohort completes summer fellowship program
This August, ten graduate students completed the 2024 Digital Scholarship & Publishing Studio Summer Fellowship—marking the eighth cohort to be awarded the mentored digital scholarship internship experience since the program’s inception in 2017. At the end of the course, the fellows presented on findings, challenges, and conclusions drawn from their digital project work over theContinue reading “The Studio’s 2024 cohort completes summer fellowship program”