Study at the Sciences Library during finals week to take advantage of free coffee and snacks! Coloring, Legos, and games are available if you need a study break. We have lots of seating options: bean bag chairs, study carrels, large tables, and computer stations. Best of luck on your finals, Hawkeyes!
Category Archives: Math
Welcome to the Sciences Library!
Hello, new & returning Hawkeyes! Visit the Sciences Library this week to find a comfortable study spot, enjoy free coffee, and meet our staff! Our new exhibit showcases our staff, what they can do for you, and what they would like you to know about them! Stop by to find out who likes Quantum Darwinism,Continue reading “Welcome to the Sciences Library!”
Introducing Conrad Bendixen: Sciences Reference & Instruction Librarian
The Sciences Library is pleased to introduce Conrad Bendixen, our new Sciences Reference & Instruction Librarian! Conrad comes to us from St. Ambrose University, where he was the liaison librarian in health sciences and biology for six years. Prior to that, he worked at Kirkwood Community College in Cedar Rapids and Central College in Pella. AContinue reading “Introducing Conrad Bendixen: Sciences Reference & Instruction Librarian”
EndNote Workshop
The Sciences Library welcomes students, staff, and faculty to an EndNote Workshop on Wednesday, July 17 at 11:30 AM in room 102 of the Sciences Library. There is no need to register in advance. In this workshop you will learn how to use EndNote to: Collect references for articles, books, websites, and other sources usingContinue reading “EndNote Workshop”
Free Coffee, Compliments, & Brownie Bites: Study for Finals at the Sciences Library!
Find your way to the Sciences Library to study for finals week! Fuel up with free refreshments: homemade brownie bites, cookies, coffee, and tea! Refresh with coloring, origami, and games. Give a friend a boost, or rejuvenate yourself with tear-off compliments! Choose from a variety of study spots: bean bag chairs, study carrels, computer stations,Continue reading “Free Coffee, Compliments, & Brownie Bites: Study for Finals at the Sciences Library!”
Citizen Science Day 2019
Science is for everyone! Citizen science projects give people from all walks of life the opportunity to participate in scientific research. According to, “Citizen Science Day is an annual event to celebrate and promote all things citizen science: amazing discoveries, incredible volunteers, hardworking practitioners, inspiring projects, and anything else citizen science-related!” Celebrate Citizen ScienceContinue reading “Citizen Science Day 2019”
Celebrating the International Year of the Periodic Table
Colored bismuth crystals, bright copper, silicon circuits, and more shine in our new exhibit celebrating 2019: The International Year of the Periodic Table! One hundred and fifty years ago, Dmitri Mendeleev published a draft of the first Periodic Table. Mendeleev also wrote “Knowing how contented, free and joyful is life in the realms of science,Continue reading “Celebrating the International Year of the Periodic Table”
Spring 2019 Workshops at the Sciences Library
The following workshops are open to all students, faculty, and staff. There is no need to register in advance. EndNote Workshop – Thursday, March 7, 2-3 PM, BB B20 In this workshop you will learn how to use EndNote to: Collect references for articles, books, websites, and other sources using Google Scholar, InfoHawk+, and popular databases like WebContinue reading “Spring 2019 Workshops at the Sciences Library”
2019: The International Year of the Periodic Table
In 1869, chemist Dmitri Mendeleev discovered patterns among elements that led him to arrange elements according to their properties into the very first periodic table. Several years later in 1885, the Periodische Gesetzmässigkeit der Elemente nach Mendeleiff was created, which was recently found at the University of St Andrews. This is thought to be the oldest surviving periodic table in theContinue reading “2019: The International Year of the Periodic Table”
Welcome back, Hawkeyes!
Welcome to the Spring 2019 Semester, Hawkeyes! Here are three tips to help you start your semester: Check to see if your textbooks are on course reserve at the library Visit the Sciences Library to study in a comfy bean bag chair, carrel, or table; to use our free scanner; and to enjoy free coffeeContinue reading “Welcome back, Hawkeyes!”