I seat myself by the stand at 7 o’clock this evening to have a good long chat with you

Joseph Culver Letter, January 31, 1863, Page 1Pontiac Ill. Jan. 31st 1863

Dearest Husband

I seat myself by the stand at 7 o’clock this evening to have a good long chat with you If I knew that you were well I would set about it in better spirits but I hope for the best of it were not for hope “Blessed boon to mortals” how could we live Our baby is about as usual he coughs as usual but does not mind it much none of our family have had any letter from Jonnie yet though there have several come to town I feel quite certain he has written to some of us I have very little faith in the regularity of the mails & make all due allowance for miscarriages It is a long time since I have heard from any of our Carlisle friends. Do you hear frequently?

Mrs. Scott (Mrs. Johnston sister) has just returned from Nashvill where she has been with a son who was wounded at Murfreesboro He is Lieut. Colonel of “the glorious nineteenth” which won somany laurels in that battle He is now the youngest Col. in the U.S. army 24 yrs. of age The youngest was killed at Murfreesboro I believe was but 20 yrs old Do not wish to “share the glories” dear Frank They are bought at a fearful price We have had a beautiful day almost warm enough to do away with fires I presume the frost is nearly all out of the ground again this will make the third time this winter Every thing is right over to the house Sammy attended to the [lathe?] & says the kitchen is secure Mr. Foote put in the window glass before I moved The sweet potatoes did not amount to much there were a good many of the hills which had three or four potatoes in them Through kindness of Mr. Remick I have obtained the amount of taxes due on those lots you mentioned The amount due on the NW 1/4 of Block 74 is $7.18 your personal tax $1.66 Charles Zugs $10.78 You wished a list of the tracts assigned to Charles Zug. I will copy what you have in your memorandum book assigned to Charles W Zug. 80 S 1/4 SE 27-28-5 $5.85 The town collector is James. G. Albe, & the Legislature has not changed the time of the payment of taxes I believe because they take Government notes in payment I have not seen Mr. Harrington yet to make any inquiries relative to those receipts of W Hickman but have looked nearly through my letter of yours in my possession there was nothing of the kind in your copying press if you referred to one nearly new in your letter drawer of the bookcase I have looked over all your receipts & have not found anything of the kind among them In one of your bundle of letters I found one which was signed by him but there was no acknowledgement of anthing you had done for him or receipt either. I will however take it to Herrington the first opportunity & if it does not answer continue my search though I am nearly through now I hope you will have no trouble about it I suppose Mrs. Smith & husband are very happy by this time I feel very anxious to hear from some of you Is she the only woman in Camp at Mitchellsville Please write & tell me how she is situated & all about it Loomis has circulated the report here that you will come home in the Spring or at least little Henry told me he thought you would come because you were “home sick” I have not heard it from any one else perhaps he only told Henry or maybe he dreampt it Sammy has just come in with a letter from Jonnie to himself he is still at Louisville but rather thinks they will go to Vicksburg They expect warm work there soon He says he sent your boots with Mrs. Smith You dont know how our baby begins to notice Emma Mae, come over the other night & he was so much afraid of her would cry whenever he would look at her He was afraid of Sis too today I cant complain now of his gravity for he laughs a great deal Your picture hangs on the East side of the room & he notices it a great deal & seems delighted when he can get close to it to look at it I think he would not be afraid of strangers if he saw any more than he does there has been noone but our folks here for so long that he does not know what to make of a new face Sis seems to like going to school very much & I guess gets along well Mrs Boyles is teaching until Miss Alden comes in the spring Abbie & Lida are going to a boarding school when the Spring term commences They dont know where, yet, they have in view Aurora Evanston & Bloomington

Mr. Maples youngest child has the varioloid If there are any in the regiment who have not been vaccinated would it not be well to have it done immediately I feel glad that you have had it Charley Strevell has had the diptheria but is getting better fast Allie Babcock still lingers although very low Have I answered all your questions if not jog my memory the next time you write Leander has got back from Chicago he saw Beattie & says he could have got that money if he had had the note I thought you gave him the note I did not see him but a minute Beattie has another son they are living in fine style in Michigan Avenue keep 3 servants &c Flemming has purchased his residance on the bank of the river I hear I must close now I have other writing to do tonight How long must I write thus? May God bless you dear Frank Hoping to see you eventually I remain

Yours as ever
M. M. Culver

PS How many letters have you had from me since you enlisted I counted 89 of yours tonight

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