Friday, November 1, 2013 Submitted by Brenna Campbell After all 93 items for the Wunderkammer show were unpacked and condition checked, they were prepared for exhibition. The most time consuming part of the process was constructing custom mounts for the 76 books being displayed. Bill and Brenna used a polyester sheet material called Vivak®, whichContinue reading “The Wunderkammer at Grinnell: Making Custom Cradles”
Category Archives: Community, outreach, education, and events
The Wunderkammer at Grinnell: Unpacking and Condition Checking
Tuesday, October 29, 2013 Submitted by Brenna Campbell Conservation Technician Bill Voss and Assistant Conservator Brenna Campbell recently returned from a trip to Grinnell College’s Faulconer Gallery, where they spent seven days installing the exhibition “From Wunderkammer to the Modern Museum, 1606-1884”. Ninety three items from the collection of Florence Fearrington were unpacked, checked forContinue reading “The Wunderkammer at Grinnell: Unpacking and Condition Checking”
Tool Making for Conservation and Book Arts
Tuesday, August 27, 2013 Last month Conservation Technician Bill Voss served as a Studio Assistant to instructor Shanna Leino, during a two week class at the Penland School of Crafts on Tool Making for Book Arts. Shanna is a well known tool maker and alumna of the UI Center for the Book, whose tools andContinue reading “Tool Making for Conservation and Book Arts”
Columbia Hand Press
Tuesday, July 9, 2013 Submitted by Jessica Rogers We moved our Columbian hand press from the first floor of the library to the third floor, in front of Special Collections, to make more room for the Learning Commons. If you have not yet had a chance to see it, please, stop by and gaze inContinue reading “Columbia Hand Press”
ICPC Save Our Stuff! Conference
Tuesday, June 11, 2013 This year’s annual Iowa Conservation and Preservation Consortium’s Save Our Stuff! conference was held in Mason City, Iowa, Friday, June 7. SOS! is a time to get together and share successes, current projects, and creative solutions and to be reminded that no matter the size of collection or institution we haveContinue reading “ICPC Save Our Stuff! Conference”
Respirator Fit Testing
Tuesday, June 4, 2013 Last week I attended the American Institute for Conservation annual meeting. To keep up with my disaster response training, I went to all the sessions of particular interest to AIC-CERT (Collections Emergency Response Team) members. One session was on respirator fitness testing, including the actual fitness test. Before we could takeContinue reading “Respirator Fit Testing”
Vinzani’s Papermaking class at PBI
Thursday, May 23, 2013 Submitted by Pamela Olson Bernie Vinanzi, a veteran papermaker who trained at Twinrocker Handmade Paper and now teaches papermaking at the University of Maine at Machias, taught a workshop with a focus on paper history, fiber selection, and sheet formation. Workshop participants designed their own watermarks and made a wide rangeContinue reading “Vinzani’s Papermaking class at PBI”
Islamic Binding with Yasmeen Kahn
Wednesday, May 22, 2013 Submitted by Kathleen Tandy For my second session class at PBI, I took An Introduction to Islamic Binding with Yasmeen Kahn from the Library of Congress. She explained that in the Islamic tradition calligraphy is the most important aspect of book. The binding is secondary, but that doesn’t mean it can’tContinue reading “Islamic Binding with Yasmeen Kahn”
Turning the Corner – Leather Paring with Jeff Altepeter
Tuesday, May 21, 2013 Submitted by Kathleen Tandy In my first week session course at PBI, I took a leather paring class with Jeff Altepeter from the North Bennett Street School. The tricks I learned in his course were well worth the price of admissions. I feel so much more comfortable on the Sharf-fix paringContinue reading “Turning the Corner – Leather Paring with Jeff Altepeter”
Historical Long and Link Stitches Lessons at Paper and Book Intensive 2013
Monday, May 20, 2013 Reporting from Oxbow School of the Arts in Saugatuck, Michigan, Giselle Simon, here, attending Paper and Book Intensive, 2013. We got off to rousing start with a fantastic line up: Jeff Altepeter, binder and instructor from North Bennett St. School taught a technical leather paring class. Bernie Vinzani, Papermaking faculty fromContinue reading “Historical Long and Link Stitches Lessons at Paper and Book Intensive 2013”