Wednesday, June 18, 2008 To our great disappointment we were not able to get into the Czech/Slovak Museum/Library today due to some sort of safety hazard. We spent a lot of time waiting around at the barricade hoping to get in. But no luck. We were, however, able to get into the African American museumContinue reading “Salvage Begins”
Category Archives: African American Museum of Iowa
False Start
Tuesday, June 17, 2008 The Cedar River came up fast and ugly, going way beyond the 500 year flood plain, more than 12 feet over projected flood level, exceeding all past records. On the plus side, it is receding very rapidly allowing us to begin the recovery process. Most of our cultural resources are alongContinue reading “False Start”
Behind the Scenes Tour
Friday, May 30, 2008 The University of Iowa Preservation Department met with David Muhlena, librarian at the Czech & Slovak Museum and Library, and Susan Kuecker, curator at the African American Historical Museum and Cultural Center of Iowa, for behind the scenes tours and lunch at Zindrick’s Restaurant in the Czech Village.
Preservation Department Field Trip to Cedar Rapids
Friday, May 30, 2008 On May 30th Preservation Department staff took a field trip to Cedar Rapids to visit the National Czech & Slovak Museum & Library and the African American Historical Museum and Cultural Center of Iowa. At the Czech-Slovak Museum, Library Director David Muhlena (left) gave an informal talk on the museum’s history and plansContinue reading “Preservation Department Field Trip to Cedar Rapids”