Tuesday, September 2, 2008 When we finished the record project at the Oakdale paper facility we moved everything to the main library except a few boxes of LP covers which we put in our remote storage area in Oakdale Hall. We scrubbed and bleached everything we had used to make sure we weren’t leaving behindContinue reading “Moving On!”
Author Archives: Caitlin A. Moore
Book Boxes for Peru
Friday, August 22, 2008 The University of Iowa Conservation Department, in continued collaboration with INLIBRE and the Preservation of Historical Libraries of Arequipa Project (Peru), is donating clam shell protective boxes for 35 books of La Recoleta library collection. University of Iowa participants in the Project will be delivering the boxes April ’09 on theirContinue reading “Book Boxes for Peru”
Getting Grosser
Thursday, August 14, 2008 These are some of the last boxes of records we had to go through. They had dried out which made it much harder to separate them. Many of the records had also warped since there was so much space in the boxes they expanded. The boxes we had been working onContinue reading “Getting Grosser”
Mold on 78s
Friday, August 6, 2008 When we washed all of the records, we didn’t only have to worry about the flood goo but also the mold that thrives in damp, warm conditions. The mold can be very harmful if it is inhaled. Because of this, we have to wear respirators and latex gloves at all times toContinue reading “Mold on 78s”
Cleaning 78s
Thursday, July 31 Cleaning the 78’s from the Czech Slovak record collection has been our longest project so far. Just the cursory cleaning we did out at the Oakdale paper facility took two months. We used two water baths, one with photo flo, a mild soap; and one with clean water to rinse. We thenContinue reading “Cleaning 78s”
David Muhlena Visits
Monday, July 28, 2008 One of the benefits of having a local institution like the University of Iowa help with flood recovery is the access we have to the curators of the museums. If these museums had to send their collections to one of the regional centers they would be much less involved in theContinue reading “David Muhlena Visits”
Flattening LP Covers
Thursday, July 10, 2008 These LP covers were saturated with flood water. Many of them were printed on coated paper which means we couldn’t clean them until they were dry because the water would wash away the image. We used drying racks and a stack dryer which is pictured below. They were hung up until theyContinue reading “Flattening LP Covers”
Stacking LPs
Tuesday, July 8, 2008 These are some of the first records that we cleaned for the Czech Slovak museum. This is one small stack of the 1,200 33 1/3rds ahead of us.
Respirator Fitting
Wednesday, July 2, 2008 Because we were working with materials that were covered in mold we had to wear respirators the whole time we worked on the Czech record project. To be most effective, respirators have to be specially fit and tested for each person. This photo illustrates one of the tests they used toContinue reading “Respirator Fitting”