On August 12, 2003, Susan Hansen, Nancy E Kraft and David McCartney promoted the UI Libraries and “Preserving Family Home Movies” at the Iowa State Fair. In the morning David and Nancy joined WSUI’s (AM910) Dennis Reese in a discussion of preservation issues during “Talk of Iowa.” Website links mentioned during the radio program are listed on the Preservation Department’s website resources page.

In the evening Susan, Nancy, and David hosted a booth featuring preservation of family home movies. One of the highlights was a recently restored film created in 1939 by graduate student Thelma Dodson, UI’s Dept. of Physical Education. The film depicts a series of dance compositions composed and choreographed by Dodson as part of her master’s thesis. Bookmarks with tips on preserving home films and videos were given out to those visiting the booth.
Susan Hansen is the Preservation Department’s Book Repair Supervisor, Nancy E Kraft is Head of the Preservation Department, and David McCartney is the University Archivist.