Would you like to learn more about the Financial Crisis?
We have the source for you. Consult our Financial Crisis research guide to find analyst reports, current news articles, books, and vodcasts pertaining to the current economic issues.
Would you like to learn more about the Financial Crisis?
We have the source for you. Consult our Financial Crisis research guide to find analyst reports, current news articles, books, and vodcasts pertaining to the current economic issues.
The SEC has released IDEA, a more user friendly search portal. IDEA stands for Interactive Data Electronic Applications and will eventually replace the EDGAR database. IDEA offers faster retrieval of public company and mutual fund information. In addition, some information can be imported into spreadsheets for analysis.
The Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis has developed a Web page that compares the current recession with the previous 10 post-World War II recessions.
Charts on the page allow users to track the length and the depth of the current recession in terms of employment and output versus changes in employment in output over past recessions.
The page will be updated as new data are released.
– Corridor Business Journal update for Jan.9, 2009
The University Libraries, with Central Mail Services, will now deliver books to campus offices. Readers make their requests through the InfoHawk catalog. Find out more about this service.
Make use of the Oxford Encyclopedia of Economic History, a comprehensive reference source:
“International in scope and spanning all time periods of human history, The Oxford Encyclopedia of Economic History includes 900 original articles by noted scholars from more than thirty-five countries. Articles range from 500-word entries on inventors, theoreticians, and industry leaders to overarching, 8,000-word essays on markets, industries, and labor. With coverage ranging from accounting and advertising to zoning and zoos, this landmark works stands at the busy intersection of history and the social sciences.”
– Joel Mokyr, Professor of Economics and History, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois
Business Week has ranked the Tippie College MBA program as one of the best in the United States. Read about these superior rankings from Tippie College News.
Read the fall issue of the publication Transitions.
“The purpose of this irregular electronic newsletter is to bring to readers’ attention some of the many new projects and developments affecting the current system of scholarly communication, with emphasis on new products and programs, the open access movement and other alternative publishing models. Scholarly communication refers to the full range of formal and informal means by which scholars and researchers communicate, from email discussion lists to peer-reviewed publication. In general authors are seeking to document and share new discoveries with their colleagues, while readers–researchers, students, librarians and others–want access to all the literature relevant to their work.”
– Library News
The University Libraries provide access to SimplyMap, a Web-based tool that creates maps based on used-supplied criteria. Data comes from government and industry sources. Users can output to Powerpoint slides, Word documents, etc. Find out more you can do with SimplyMap.
To use this resource from the Business Library homepage, click on Sources A-Z. Then select “SimplyMap” from the list.
From the UI Libraries Federal Documents Coordinator and Reference Librarian:
If you would like to see the text of the H.R. 3997 (“Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008”) soon to be voted upon, go to GPOAccess http://www.gpoaccess.gov/ and click on the “Featured Item” in the upper right corner. It is the Congressional Report that includes the text of the bill with a brief explanatory introduction regarding the $700 billion for the Secretary of the Treasury to buy mortgages and other assets of troubled financial institutions.
We now have access to the New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics online at