Are you struggling to find: Company financials for your project? Market and industry information for your business plan? A SWOT analysis on a company? Opportunities and risks of doing business in another country? Business Librarians can help. Email Willow or Kim or set up a Zoom appointment.
Author Archives: Todd Degraff
Spring Hours and Assistance
The Biz Hub library information desk will be open the following hours this semester: Monday—Friday 8:00 am—5:00 pm Saturday Closed Sunday 1:00—5:00 pm In addition to our service desk hours, the business library team will be available online and ready to provide assistance. For complex research questions, Willow Fuchs and Kim Bloedel are happy to meet viaContinue reading “Spring Hours and Assistance”
We Are Here, Online, and Ready to Help
Do you need help on an assignment right away? Does your research require difficult-to-find data? Do you need to plan long-term for your studies? The Business Library is online and ready to help! You can contact us by chat, phone, or e-mail. In addition, assistance will not end when the semester does; professionals will beContinue reading “We Are Here, Online, and Ready to Help”
Meet Natalie: Business Library Student Employee and UI Libraries Scholarship Winner
Meet Natalie Boucher: recipient of a UI Libraries Student Employee Scholarship “The University of Iowa has a great English program.Ultimately, though, I felt a deep sense of authenticity at the University of Iowa and knew this was the place for me. The beautiful campus, woven into the city, also helped sway me.Working for the BusinessContinue reading “Meet Natalie: Business Library Student Employee and UI Libraries Scholarship Winner”
What’s New For You At the Business Library
Welcome, everyone! Big changes have taken place in the library this summer. Come visit—and have a successful semester. 4TH Floor Renewal The 4th-floor has been remodeled with new furniture and carpeting, plus a brighter decor. Sound absorbers along the stairs help maintain a “quiet zone”, ideal for undisturbed study. Reserve a Group Room …Continue reading “What’s New For You At the Business Library”
Grab Something Cool and Enjoy the Quiet
Need a soft drink, a light lunch maybe, and a peaceful place to study? Come to the BizHub! You have your choice of conversation space, personal seating, or even a group-study room. Would you like help with an assignment or want to borrow a reserve book? Visit the service-desk; during the summer, staff is availableContinue reading “Grab Something Cool and Enjoy the Quiet”
Course Help in the BizHub
Need assistance with your courses? Tippie learning coaches will be available Monday-Wednesday, 5-7 pm, in the BizHub. You will find coaches in group rooms C324 and C326. Just ask at the service desk, and Library staff will direct you. Tutors can help with ECON:1100 Microeconomics (C324) ECON:1200 Macroeconomics (C324) STAT:1030 Statistics for Business (C326) LearnContinue reading “Course Help in the BizHub”
The Pomerantz Business Library is here for you! Excellent Space For serious quiet, just head to the 4th floor and choose from a soft seat, carrel, or table—with plenty of room to spread out. If you would like to meet with classmates, work on a project in a group room, or just grab a smoothieContinue reading “Welcome!”
Summer Study 24/7
Do you need a cool place (cool literally) to study this summer? Visit the Pomerantz Business Library in the BizHub! This newly remodeled and brightly lit space offers private study, group rooms, PC’s, a printer, a high-speed scanner, and more. For class or research assistance, just ask Library staff. Service desk hours are Monday-Friday, 8Continue reading “Summer Study 24/7”
The Busy Biz Hub
The Biz Hub has seen many visitors during its first semester, and finals’ week is no exception. With only a few days into the exam period, nearly 4000 people have passed through the Hub! Below are a few panoramas of this beautiful addition to the Tippie College of Business. Best wishes to all U. ofContinue reading “The Busy Biz Hub”