You are invited to the Sciences Library for a comfortable, quiet place to study! There are computer stations, study carrels, and booths with USB and outlets for phones and computers. If you have group work to do, there are tables and large mobile monitors to use for sharing your computer screen. The Sciences Library is locatedContinue reading “Welcome Back, Hawkeyes!”
Category Archives: Biology
Finals Week Stress Relief Guide
When you take a break from your studying, rest and recharge with online puzzles, science coloring sheets, wildlife live cams, and museum and nature virtual tours with the Sciences Library’s Finals Week Stress Relief Guide. You can put together a puzzle of the Andromeda galaxy, The Blue Marble view of Earth, a porcupine having aContinue reading “Finals Week Stress Relief Guide”
Dr. Thomas H. Kent: Library Benefactor
Dr. Thomas H. Kent, professor emeritus of pathology at the University of Iowa, died November 21 as in-person classes at The University of Iowa came to a close for the fall 2020 term. Dr. Kent was the youngest son of Frederick W. Kent, who played a key role in documenting life at the University ofContinue reading “Dr. Thomas H. Kent: Library Benefactor”
Handkerchief that cough and sneeze! Snippets from the Daily Iowan during the 1918 pandemic
In 1918 and 1919, the Spanish flu pandemic swept through Iowa killing over 6,000 people and infecting more than 93,000. The archives of the Daily Iowan from this time period shed light onto what life was like during that time on campus and in the midst of World War I. While cootie garments are mentionedContinue reading “Handkerchief that cough and sneeze! Snippets from the Daily Iowan during the 1918 pandemic”
Potential COVID-19 Vaccines: What to Know
Potential COVID-19 Vaccines: What to Know Two vaccines have shown great promise recently to be successful against COVID-19. Pfizer and Moderna have reported that their vaccines showed close to 95% efficacy in their recent vaccine trials. These vaccines will provide immunity to covid-19, so that those who are vaccinated will not get sick, or ifContinue reading “Potential COVID-19 Vaccines: What to Know”
Red, Orange, Yellow: The Science of Fall Foliage
The autumnal equinox occurred on Tuesday, September 22 this year. This marks the turning point when the sun passes over the Earth’s equator, and the hours of daylight and night are close to equal. From this point on, the hours of daylight will soon begin decreasing each day until the shortest day of the yearContinue reading “Red, Orange, Yellow: The Science of Fall Foliage”
Books for 2020: unusual books for an unusual year
2020 has been an unusual year, to say the least. A pandemic, murder hornets, an Iowa derecho, hurricanes, racial injustice, wildfires, and most recently a discovery on Venus that points to potential alien life. It is a lot to take in and it can be a relief to bury oneself in reading. What else couldContinue reading “Books for 2020: unusual books for an unusual year”
Find a comfortable place to study at the Sciences Library!
Head to the Sciences Library for a comfortable, quiet place to study! We offer a variety of study spots. There are many computer stations, study carrels and booths with USB and outlets for phones and computers, tables, and large mobile monitors to use for sharing your computer screen. This year we have new paint, newContinue reading “Find a comfortable place to study at the Sciences Library!”
The Adventures of a Monarch Butterfly: Milkweed, Metamorphosis, and Migration
Watch a video showing a monarch caterpillar transforming into a chrysalis on the Sciences Library YouTube channel! In the chrysalis, the monarch caterpillar appears to be dormant on the outside, but changes inside are happening quickly, from the breakdown of tissues no longer needed to the growth of new wings, proboscis, and compound eyes thatContinue reading “The Adventures of a Monarch Butterfly: Milkweed, Metamorphosis, and Migration”
Countdown for Liftoff
While we humans below the branches of a tall cottonwood tree along the Iowa River at Coralville’s Iowa River Landing have been preoccupied with the effects of coronavirus on our communities, a pair of Bald Eagles has been raising a family of two young eagles in that tree as if nothing were more important! AccordingContinue reading “Countdown for Liftoff”