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Sunday morning,
May 28th 1865
My Dear Wife
I will add a postscript this morning as the mail has not gone out yet. Charlie has gone up to the house to bring Hannah to camp. We are now very nicely fixed up. Cris [Yetter] has been very busy preparing for the reception of ladies this morning. A large bouquet of Laurel decorates the table, & the cedar boughs surrounding the tent & the arbor in front combine to make it very comfortable & pleasant.
It is a beautiful morning. The birds are singing sweetly & the sun shining brightly for the first time in four days. The band of the 2d Brig. is playing some very fine airs. How I wish I could be with you to-day. The band is now playing “Ever of thee I’m fondly dreaming.” I hope before many Sabbaths pass around, we may be all at home. It is time for Inspection. I may add a line or two again before I seal my letter up. Good Bye.
Your affect. Husband
J. F. Culver