Yours of the 7th inst. inquiring about my box is just received

Joseph Culver Letter, April 10, 1865, Page 1Office Chief of Artillery, District of Tennessee, Nashville, Tenn., April 10th 1865.
Dear Mollie,

Yours of the 7th inst. inquiring about my box &c. is just received. The box reached me more than a week ago, and I immediately wrote to Maggie and Mrs. Johnston, acknowledging receipt. I forwarded Morton’s box without delay. The Agent of Adam’s Express Co. told me that it would reach him in East Tenn. He has probably received ere this.

I did not mention this in my letter to Mr. Johnston, supposing that my preceding letters had been received. Mollie please inform me who paid the Express charges on my box and how much they were. I had a letter from Sammy and James Rollins day before yesterday. They are enjoying life as well as soldiers can be expected to do. The Battry is now at Cleveland Tenn. I had a call day before yesterday from Wm McCord. and quite a pleasant visit with him. He was on his way from Columbia, Tenn. to Murfreesboro. Will looks very healthy and robust- seems to stand the service well. He is about as tall as Sammy but rather heavier.

I wrote you a few days ago. Love to all. Good bye- in haste

Ever Your Affectionate Brother
Wm J. Murphy
Box 1182

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