Use it to find: market data and analysis on pricing environment, supply chain, and vendors. Where to find it: You can find it on the Business library web site’s alphabetical list of databases. Need help using Procurement IQ? Contact the Business Librarians, Willow or Kim, and set up an appointment.
Tag Archives: business
Pomerantz Business Library By the Numbers
Today the Pomerantz Business Library looks back at the recently ended fiscal year 2016. What follows provides a window into the impact that the business library has on the teaching, learning, and research activities of students, faculty, and staff of the Tippie College of Business and the entire University of Iowa community. Thanks for aContinue reading “Pomerantz Business Library By the Numbers”
Database of the Week: Global Financial Data (GFD)
Each week we will highlight one of the many databases we have here at the Pomerantz Business Library. The database: Global Financial Data (GFD) Global Financial Data is a collection of current and historical financial and economic data for over 200 countries, provided in ASCII or Excel format. Where to find it: You can findContinue reading “Database of the Week: Global Financial Data (GFD)”
Database of the Week: CCH Accounting Research Manager
Each week we will highlight one of the many databases we have here at the Pomerantz Business Library. The database: CCH Accounting Research Manager (ARM) “Online database of expert-written analytical accounting, auditing, governmental and SEC information as well as primary source data.” Where to find it: You can find it here, and underContinue reading “Database of the Week: CCH Accounting Research Manager”
Database of the Week: ScienceDirect
Each week we will highlight one of the many databases we have here at the Pomerantz Business Library. The database: ScienceDirect “Full text collection of over 1,000,000 articles from 1995 to present covers a variety of subject areas and disciplines, including biochemistry, biological sciences, business, chemistry, earth sciences, economics, engineering, mathematics and computer science, neurosciences,Continue reading “Database of the Week: ScienceDirect”