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Leading the Field: Women and Sport at Iowa, Thu, Mar 28 at 4pm

Celebrate Women’s History Month with the Iowa Women’s Archives In collaboration with the UI Council on the Status of Women, IWA will welcome Susan Birrell for a talk and Janet Schlapkohl for a dramatic reading on Thursday, March 28 starting at 4pm in the Iowa Women’s Archives (3rd floor south of the Main Library). UniversityContinue reading “Leading the Field: Women and Sport at Iowa, Thu, Mar 28 at 4pm”

Shirley Briggs and the Iowa Connection to “Silent Spring”

  Fifty years ago, Rachel Carson published “Silent Spring,” a lyrical and compelling book about how DDT and other pesticides were damaging the environment and human health. The book called for a change in the way humankind viewed the natural world and became an inspiration for the environmental movement. One of Carson’s staunchest advocates andContinue reading “Shirley Briggs and the Iowa Connection to “Silent Spring””

Biographer of Mary Louise Smith to read on November 10th

As part of the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Iowa Women’s Archives, Suzanne O’Dea will read from her new biography of Archives co-founder Mary Louise Smith and take questions about her research for  the book.   Join us for coffee and pastries at 10:30 a.m. on Saturday, November 10th, in the North Exhibition HallContinue reading “Biographer of Mary Louise Smith to read on November 10th”

Vicki Ruiz to present keynote lecture at The Latino Midwest symposium

Of Poetics and Politics:  The Border Journeys of Luisa Moreno Opening Keynote Address, The Latino Midwest Symposium Thursday, October 11, 7:00 p.m. Shambaugh Auditorium, The University of Iowa Reception, 8:30 p.m. North Exhibition Hall, Main Library ~ in conjunction with the 20th anniversary of the Iowa Women’s Archives ~ From the symposium website:  Vicki L.Continue reading “Vicki Ruiz to present keynote lecture at The Latino Midwest symposium”

Pathways to Iowa: Migration Stories from the Iowa Women’s Archives

Join Iowa Women’s Archives Curator Kären Mason, Assistant Curator Janet Weaver, and faculty members Omar Valerio-Jiménez and Claire Fox for a brown-bag discussion of Latina history in Iowa at the opening of the newest exhibit at the UI Main Library. Wednesday, September 12, 2012, 12:00- 1:00 p.m.  University of Iowa Main Library, North Exhibition HallContinue reading “Pathways to Iowa: Migration Stories from the Iowa Women’s Archives”

Re-examining the Pelvic

On Tuesday, May 1st, the Iowa Women’s Archives will host a lecture by Wendy Kline, professor of history at the University of Cincinnati.  Kline’s talk, “Reexamining the Pelvic: Women’s Health from a Recent Historical Perspective,” concerns the late 20th century controversy regarding pelvic examination instruction in American medical schools. In the 1970s, medical educators expressed concern overContinue reading “Re-examining the Pelvic”