Join Arborist Andy Dahl for a tree talk and tour at the Sciences Library! This program will be held on Friday, October 1, 2021. The tree talk will begin at 2:00 PM on the 3rd floor of the Sciences Library. There will be a short break at 2:45 PM for light refreshments. The walking tourContinue reading “Tree Tour & Talk at the Sciences Library”
Category Archives: Events
Welcome to the Fall 2021 semester, Hawkeyes!
Welcome to the fall 2021 semester, Hawkeyes! We are happy to have you back on campus in-person this fall! You can find the Sciences Library located between Phillips Hall and the Biology Building on Iowa Ave. Open Hours Study Spaces Find Books, Articles, and More COVID-19 Safety Lord of the Rings Have a great semester!Continue reading “Welcome to the Fall 2021 semester, Hawkeyes!”
Lord of the Rings Films: 20 Years On
Visit the Sciences Library to see our display of Lord of the Rings movie replicas and enter our Trivia Contest. The display will be up through September. Get all 10 questions right in the Trivia Contest to win a small prize. Winners will be entered into a drawing for a larger prize. The contest isContinue reading “Lord of the Rings Films: 20 Years On”
Discover Iowa’s Birds: Intro to Birding
Join Iowa birder Linda Rudolph to learn how to get started with birding on campus and beyond! This is a free online program that will be held on Thursday, April 8, 2021, 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM CDT. All are welcome! To attend, go to or Linda Rudolph is a Coralville resident. She is a transplantedContinue reading “Discover Iowa’s Birds: Intro to Birding”
Groundhog Day 2021: Anticipating a beautiful & bright spring!
While there is no consensus among groundhogs this week about exactly when spring will arrive, there is the reminder that spring will come, and as Punxsutawney Phil would like us to know, “you’re looking forward to one of the most beautiful and brightest springs you’ve ever seen.” Check out the table below to see howContinue reading “Groundhog Day 2021: Anticipating a beautiful & bright spring!”
Iowa City Darwin Day 2021
Iowa City Darwin Day celebrates the benefits of science for humanity, and all are invited to celebrate this year by attending virtual talks by prestigious scientists! All Iowa City Darwin Day events are free and open to the public. Erich Jarvis’ talk “Evolution of Brain Pathways for Vocal Learning and Spoken Language” will be onContinue reading “Iowa City Darwin Day 2021”
Pride Month Virtual Book Display
Enjoy a book safely at home during the novel coronavirus pandemic to celebrate Pride Month! Also, UI Pride 2020 offers Pride at Home kits containing fun activities to do at home! Students, staff, and faculty may request that a print book from the University of Iowa Libraries be mailed to their residence. To make theContinue reading “Pride Month Virtual Book Display”
All are invited to Sciences Library Trivia Night!
All are welcome to join the Sciences Library for Trivia Night at 5 PM central on Fridays through July 10th! We will use Zoom and Kahoot, so join Zoom on your computer to see the trivia questions and use the browser on your smartphone to input your answers. We will do two rounds of questionsContinue reading “All are invited to Sciences Library Trivia Night!”
Rape Victim Advocacy Program (RVAP) Virtual Library
In honor of April representing Sexual Assault Activism Month, the University of Iowa Libraries and the Rape Victim Advocacy Program (RVAP) came together to offer you a virtual library. There you can find a reading list of ebooks pertaining to sexual assault on college campuses in addition to a list of publications targeted toward aContinue reading “Rape Victim Advocacy Program (RVAP) Virtual Library”
Sciences Library Trivia Night on Fridays!
Hawkeyes, join the Sciences Library for Trivia Night on Fridays, April 24th to July 10th at 5 PM! The trivia will be led by student emcees Madison and Mason. The questions will be from various subjects such as science, arts & literature, history, pop culture, and sports. We will use Zoom and Kahoot, so joinContinue reading “Sciences Library Trivia Night on Fridays!”