Iowa City Darwin Day celebrates science, evolution, and Darwin’s birthday this week! Sharon DeWitte and Ana Duggan will give talks about their research into epidemics and infectious diseases. Jeanne Serb will speak about the evolution of vision in animals, and Nicholas Strausfeld will present on the evolution of insect brains. There will be cake at Darwin’sContinue reading “Iowa City Darwin Day 2019”
Category Archives: Biology
Spring 2019 Workshops at the Sciences Library
The following workshops are open to all students, faculty, and staff. There is no need to register in advance. EndNote Workshop – Thursday, March 7, 2-3 PM, BB B20 In this workshop you will learn how to use EndNote to: Collect references for articles, books, websites, and other sources using Google Scholar, InfoHawk+, and popular databases like WebContinue reading “Spring 2019 Workshops at the Sciences Library”
2019: The International Year of the Periodic Table
In 1869, chemist Dmitri Mendeleev discovered patterns among elements that led him to arrange elements according to their properties into the very first periodic table. Several years later in 1885, the Periodische Gesetzmässigkeit der Elemente nach Mendeleiff was created, which was recently found at the University of St Andrews. This is thought to be the oldest surviving periodic table in theContinue reading “2019: The International Year of the Periodic Table”
Welcome back, Hawkeyes!
Welcome to the Spring 2019 Semester, Hawkeyes! Here are three tips to help you start your semester: Check to see if your textbooks are on course reserve at the library Visit the Sciences Library to study in a comfy bean bag chair, carrel, or table; to use our free scanner; and to enjoy free coffeeContinue reading “Welcome back, Hawkeyes!”
Snowflakes & Snow Exhibit
It’s fun to catch snowflakes on your tongue, cut out paper snowflakes, and shovel snowflakes—oops, no. Starting again—it’s fun to catch snowflakes on your tongue, cut out paper snowflakes, and we’re featuring scientist snowflakes in our new exhibit! Can you find the following scientists hidden in the snowflakes? Marie Curie Thomas Edison Benjamin Franklin Rosalind Franklin Jane GoodallContinue reading “Snowflakes & Snow Exhibit”
Finals Week Snacks & Snowflakes
During Finals Week, Chauncey reviews his notes, gets enough sleep, and studies with friends at the Sciences Library. He creates his own study guides and asks himself questions that might be on his exams. When he gets tired, he finds it helpful to take short breaks. Luckily, Chauncey discovered that the Sciences Library provides cookies,Continue reading “Finals Week Snacks & Snowflakes”
Lessons Learned About Iowa’s Wild Bees
In Dr. Hendrix’s talk “Protecting Iowa’s Wild Bees: Your Backyard Counts,” we learned that honey bees are the only type of bees that are social. Most bees are solitary bees! Solitary bees create nests in holes in wood, bamboo, or in the ground. These solitary wild bees are important pollinators of almonds, berries, and otherContinue reading “Lessons Learned About Iowa’s Wild Bees”
Protecting Iowa’s Wild Bees: Your Backyard Counts
Join us at the Sciences Library for “Protecting Iowa’s Wild Bees: Your Backyard Counts” presented by Dr. Stephen D. Hendrix, UI Professor Emeritus. Wed., Oct. 3, 12:30-1:30 PM, Sciences Library 3rd floor Pizza & beverages provided while supplies last. Free & open to the public. Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to attend all University of Iowa-sponsoredContinue reading “Protecting Iowa’s Wild Bees: Your Backyard Counts”
Fall 2018 Workshops at the Sciences Library
The following workshops are open to all students, faculty, and staff. There is no need to register in advance. Staying Current Workshop – Thursday, September 20, 3:30-4:20 PM, SL 102 In this workshop you will learn how to: EndNote Workshop – Tuesday, September 25, 11-11:50 AM, SL 102 In this workshop you will learn how to use EndNote to: EndNote Web is available forContinue reading “Fall 2018 Workshops at the Sciences Library”
Top 10 Things to Know About the Sciences Library
10. You can connect with us on Facebook and Twitter! 9. You can email, call, or schedule an appointment with one of our librarians (Laurie Neuerburg or Leo Clougherty) if you need help finding books, articles, or anything else for your research. 8. You can use our scanner on the 1st floor for free. 7.Continue reading “Top 10 Things to Know About the Sciences Library”