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First Folio and Noon Tunes

The First Folio @ Iowa

The University of Iowa Libraries will play host to a copy of Shakespeare’s First Folio August 29-September 25. The Folio and Banner for the Shakespeare at Iowa Exhibitionaccompanying exhibit, featuring items from the Folger Library and University of Iowa Special Collections, will be housed in the Libraries’ Gallery (located on the first floor near the north entrance).

The Grand Opening event will take place on August 29th at 10am in the North Lobby of the Main Library.

Noon Tunes

A series of noontime recitals will take place throughout the month of September featuring music from the era of Shakespeare or compositions inspired by the Bard.

  • Chamber Singers of Iowa City on September 14th, 12:10pm-12:45pm
  • Students from the School of Music Voice Studios on September 21st and 28th, 12:10pm-12:45pm

Come hear some great music and while viewing this cultural treasure!

Berlin Philharmonic Digital Concert Hall now available

Berlin Philharmonic Digital Concert Hall icon

The Berliner Philharmoniker’s Digital Concert Hall video streams classical music concerts, current and historic, to your PC. The mobile app is not included in our subscription.

This resource features the orchestra under the baton of famed conductors such as Sir Simon Rattle, Claudio Abbado, and Herbert Karajan and also includes interviews with conductors & soloists and program notes.

The first time you use Digital Concert Hall you must register, then log in to subsequent sessions. Only five users can be logged in simultaneously, so please log out of the DCH after you are done using it.

Please send additional comments or questions to Katie Buehner.

We’re Moving!

The Rita Bpackedenton Music Library will be moving from its temporary location on the second floor of the Main Library to its new home in the Voxman Music Building starting July 25th, 2016.

This does mean that the collection will be unavailable or be subject to limited availability at various points during the move.
Here are some important dates to keep in mind:

Moving Schedule

  • Saturday, July 23: This is the last day the collection will be available prior to the move.
  • Monday, July 25: The Music Library move begins. Collections are unavailable to all patrons.
  • Friday, August 5: The Music Library move is complete.
  • Monday August 8: Collections are ONLY accessible by faculty and staff with access to the Voxman Music Building. Student and public patrons will NOT have access to the collection at this time.
  • Monday August 22: The Voxman Music Building opens. The Rita Benton Music Library collections are accessible by all patrons.

If you need scores, recordings, and other music materials during the month of limited access, please use Interlibrary Loan or UBorrow to request items from other libraries. Make sure your delivery location remains the Main Library until the move is completed.

The Music Library appreciates your patience during this time. Please come visit us in our new space on the first floor of the Voxman Music Building at the start of the semester!

To receive additional updates on what’s happening at the Rita Benton Music Library, subscribe to this blog feed.