March the 8 1865 Pontiac Ill
Dear Friend
your kind letter of February last, was received this morning and in compliance with your request, no less than with my own wishes, I hasten to answer it I was glad to hear from you and glad to hear that you had got well I wish that you and Mr Catten would come back, the Sunday school is not as good as it was when you were hear. There dose not as as many come as did when you were hear. the Band has had a Consert and is to have an other in April, the prisbyterians is a talking about having one to, to day was quartrlimeting. Lara Russell told me to tell you that you must write to her. Mother has just got back from Ohio she said she saw some Rebles their you for got that this was 1863 instead of 1860 they have got the quire started again in the Methodist Church we have not had one Missionary meting sens you went a way they said that they must organise again. Mr Gray has had the Smallpox, tell Mr Gaff that I received my song that he sent me, Mary Night talks so mutch about Mr Culver you had aught to hear her say her verses write some in my next letter for the Sunday School they like to hear from you as well as evry one of us Fanny says that she wishes that you would come back, we have got one of the greatest day schools that you ever saw Mr Ketchum is our teacher. our Christmas tree is over if you had bin hear you would have got some thing nice. Mr Culver you must come up and thin out the Rebels up hear for there are plenty of them heare mother says if you will come up she will coock you some chicken and some cabbage
Hattie said for me to write and tell you that you must write to he you must write a longer letter next time when Mrs Murphy come home and gammy brought the letters to the school house every one asked if Mr Culver dident send them one no more at present write soon from
Mary Engle to her Friend
Mr Culver
129 Reg Co A
Co A 129 Reg
From Mary Engle to her
Friend Mr Culver
Co A 129 Reg.