New books are located on the tall book shelves in the corridors behind the information desk. This list is ordered by call number. U.S. industry & market outlook. / Published [Bath, Maine] : C. Barnes & Co. (Reference, Library use only) HC101 .U55 2007 India arriving : how this economic powerhouse is redefining global businessContinue reading “New Books Update: April 4, 2008”
Category Archives: General
Academic Business Resource: BizSeer.IST
The Business Library has just added BizSeer.IST to its list of online resources. Please note that many documents are in .pdf format. This collection and search engine describes itself: “BizSeer is a publicly available vertical digital library and search engine hosted at Penn State’s Smeal College of Business that focuses on academic business documents. SmealSearch crawls theContinue reading “Academic Business Resource: BizSeer.IST”
Digital Campus Map Collection
The UI Libraries have launched a digital collection of campus maps, drawing from materials in University Archives, which includes maps from 100 years of course catalogs, a pacing survey of the Pentacrest from 1893, and an aerial view of an uncompleted 1930s campus plan among other unique items documenting University space and development. The collectionContinue reading “Digital Campus Map Collection”
A Resource for Small Business:
The Pomerantz Business Library has added a link to on its Small Business, Entrepreneurship, Nonprofits page. As the Scout Report notes: “The federal government is attempting to make finding information about business a bit easier with this website, and they have certainly succeeded. is managed by the U.S. Small Business Administration, which is working in partnership with 21Continue reading “A Resource for Small Business:”
Economist Historical Archive: 1843-2003
Library users now have access to the Economist Historical Archive. This service delivers a complete, searchable copy of every issue of The Economist from 1843 to 2003. New full-color images, multiple search indexes, exportable financial tables, and a gallery of front covers highlighting a key topic of each week — all combine to offer a primaryContinue reading “Economist Historical Archive: 1843-2003”
University of Iowa Faculty Senate Approves Addendum to Publishing Agreements
“The University of Iowa Faculty Senate Approved the ‘Addendum to Publication Agreements for CIC Authors’ at their October 23, 2007 meeting. This addendum is intended for authors to use to help them protect their intellectual property rights when publishing their work. Excerpt from the ‘Statement on Publishing Agreements’: Faculty authors should consider a number ofContinue reading “University of Iowa Faculty Senate Approves Addendum to Publishing Agreements”
The World Bank, Mapped (Macromedia Flash Player)
“Upon entering The World Bank’s homepage, even the most experienced researcher can feel a bit intimidated. The site contains thousands of documents, and even though they offer a nice search engine, it can be difficult at times to get to specific items quickly. Recently, the World bank teamed up with Google maps to create aContinue reading “The World Bank, Mapped (Macromedia Flash Player)”
Federal Reserve to Issue Quarterly Forecasts
“The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) announced on Wednesday that, as part of its ongoing commitment to improve the accountability and public understanding of monetary policy making, it will increase the frequency and expand the content of the economic projections that are made by Federal Reserve Board members and Reserve Bank presidents and released toContinue reading “Federal Reserve to Issue Quarterly Forecasts”
New! Smart Search (beta)
As you know the world of information is changing at an ever-increasing pace and the way that we at the UI Libraries provide you access to information resources is also changing. Many of our resources are available to you right on your desktop, because we have invested in electronic access. However, finding the right informationContinue reading “New! Smart Search (beta)”
New Database: IBISWorld
The UI Libraries have purchased a subscription to IBISWorld. This online database offers access to over 700 US industry market research reports. The report topics range from car washes to management consultants. IBISWorld also includes US public company profiles. All of the reports can be downloaded in pdf or MS Word format. Please note: Our subscription onlyContinue reading “New Database: IBISWorld”