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Academic Business Resource: BizSeer.IST

The Business Library has just added BizSeer.IST to its list of online resources.  Please note that many documents are in .pdf format.  This collection and search engine describes itself:

“BizSeer is a publicly available vertical digital library and search engine hosted at Penn State’s Smeal College of Business that focuses on academic business documents. SmealSearch crawls the web and harvests, catalogs, and indexes academic business documents. It is based on the computer and information science engine, CiteSeer.IST, initially developed at NEC Research Institute by Kurt Bollacker, Lee Giles and Steve Lawrence and now hosted at Penn State. The search engine crawls websites of academia, commerce, research institutes, government agencies, etc. for academic business documents, including published articles, working papers, white papers, consulting reports, etc. For certain documents, SmealSearch only indexes and stores the hyperlinks to those documents. BizSeer attempts to generate a citation analysis for all the academic articles harvested and ranks them in order of their citation rates (the most cited articles are listed first) similar to the ranking of CiteSeer and the Google Scholar.

BizSeer has many unique features: 

  • Automatically gathers and indexes specific information such as author, title, abstract,  and citations.
  • Performs keyword searches on the full content of all documents in the database.
  • Uses citation analysis to identify the most influential articles.
  • Keeps up to date by actively crawling and accepting article submissions from users.”

(Site description)