We now have access to Global Industry Reports in IBISWorld. The Global Industry component of IBISWorld offers analysis and forecasts on 75 global markets. The regions covered include Africa, Europe and the Middle East. To browse the reports click on the link on the IBISWorld homepage.
Author Archives: Kimberly Bloedel
Changes to Harvard Business Review Access
Changes have been made to our Harvard Business Review access through the EBSCO Business Source Complete database. Harvard Business Publishing has changed the license agreement to make 500 selected Harvard Business Review articles “read-only” in Business Source Complete— the articles cannot be linked to, printed, or downloaded. This change will affect all university customers. TheContinue reading “Changes to Harvard Business Review Access”
Are you Mad for Mad Men?
Explore the world of Mad Men through collections from the U. of Iowa Pomerantz Business Library and Special Collections & University Archive. Online exhibit can viewed on Pinterest.
Financial Times Historical Archive
We now have campus wide (and off-campus) access to the Financial Times Historical Archive To access go to http://purl.lib.uiowa.edu/gale/FTHA More info: The Financial Times Historical archive, 1888-2006 The Financial Times Historical Archive delivers the complete searchable run of the world’s most authoritative daily business newspaper. Every item ever printed in the paper, from 1888-2006, canContinue reading “Financial Times Historical Archive”
Iowa’s numbers: growing, but not enough
The first numbers from the 2010 Census will be announced today and two cool links reflecting new numbers have been added to http://guides.lib.uiowa.edu/census. One is an interactive map for population change and the second is a snappy littleYouTube video explaining Apportionment. Iowa is one of the many states that will lose a seat or two in theContinue reading “Iowa’s numbers: growing, but not enough”
Iowa City Book Festival Announces Line-up
The 2010 Iowa City Book Festival (ICBF), presented by the University of Iowa Libraries, has announced its schedule for the three-day celebration of reading, writing and books July 16-18. The Festival offers activities for the entire family: best-selling authors, hands-on book arts, kids’ activities, music and festival food. For its second year, the ICBF hasContinue reading “Iowa City Book Festival Announces Line-up”
New Developments in Scholarly Communications
The January issue of Transitions, Scholarly Communication News for the UI Community is now available. Click here to read the new developments in scholarly communication covered in this electronic issue.
Looking for a Public Company’s Customer List? Check out Mergent Horizon
The library now subscribes to Mergent Horizon. This research site covers 6200 companies that are traded on the NYSE, AMEX, and NASDAQ. Mergent Horizon enables the researcher to: Identify companies simply by entering a product or trade name Highlight the relationships between a company’s major customers, suppliers and partners Analyze data for sector aggregates or averages,Continue reading “Looking for a Public Company’s Customer List? Check out Mergent Horizon”
UI Libraries Book Collection Reaches Five Million
The UI Libraries selected The Biographical Dictionary of Iowa, edited by David Hudson, Marvin Bergman and Loren Horton as the five millionth book for the collection. More information about this milestonetemp can be found on the UI Main Library blog here.
Iowa City Book Festival
On July 18, the UI Libraries will present the Iowa City Book Festival. The Festival will be held in Gibson Square, which is on the Main Library’s south entrance. The celebration will include bookseller tables, food vendors, music, book art demonstrations, readings and panel discussions. For more information visit the Iowa City Book Festival site.